
Revision as of 09:58, 8 May 2022 by Auron956 (talk | contribs) (Update method to include blue & red dragonhide bodies)
This article is about training the Crafting skill. For the skill itself, see Crafting.
This page was last updated for (v1.0.3).


Acquiring Materials

Although it is possible to receive   Leather and   Dragonhides from fighting various Monsters, it is much faster to buy them from the Shop.   Leather can be purchased directly from the shop for 100  per piece, and   Dragonhides can be purchased for an amount of GP and   Leather depending on the tier. This guide will assume you are purchasing all materials from the store as gathering them via combat will take substantially longer than it would to make the money through other means.

Level 1-57

From   Level 1 to   Level 57, players should make the best   Leather item they can. Jewelry materials cannot be feasibly acquired in large enough quantities to offer a real alternative, although players who already have   Gold Bars and gems on hand may choose to mix them in to speed things up slightly. Once you reach   Level 18, you should craft   Leather Chaps all the way until   Level 57. This is the most efficient craft per   Leather. If you have an abundance of GP or   Leather, then just continue making the highest level item until   Level 57.

Level 57-71

From   Level 57 to   Level 71, items made out of   Green Dragonhide are the most efficient XP/level. Since   Green Dragonhide can effectively be purchased from the shop for 200  per piece and items made from   Green Dragonhide sell for an amount equal to 200  per piece of dragonhide required, making   Green Dragonhide items is cost neutral as a baseline and will actually turn a small profit thanks to materials saved by the   Mastery effect.

Level 71-77

After reaching   Level 71, players will be able to craft   Blue D-hide bodies.

While the cost of hides required for each body is greater than the sale price of the body its self, break-even may still be achieved through the use of resource preservation and item doubling bonuses. Assuming no chance to double applies, the break-even point may be reached with a preservation bonus of at least 15% - this can be achieved with a combination of item mastery bonuses (+0.2% per level) and other global Skill Boosts.

Taking advantage of Crafting specific and global doubling bonuses will lower the amount of preservation required to reach a break-even point.

Level 77-99

From   Level 77 onwards, the player can create   Red D-hide Bodies for a higher XP rate than the previous bodies provide. These bodies require a preservation bonus of at least 28% to avoid making a loss (assuming no chance to double applies).



The following things can be used to increase the amount of Crafting XP received.

Action Time

The following things can be used to reduce the amount of time per action in Crafting.

Melvor Idle Skill Guides
  Alternative Magic
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