Combat Guide/Throne of the Herald

From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 18:38, 26 October 2024 by Nukiebaba (talk | contribs) (→‎Throne of the Herald Combat)
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Combat in the TotH.svg follows a similar progression to the base game, and will be divided into three parts, the Early Game, the Mid Game, and the Late Game for Throne of the Herald.

This entire part of the guide is subject to change and will be updated as time goes by, for now, following some basic guidelines will be a good way to get started: Combat in the Throne of the Herald Expansion revolves significantly around using

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areas to prepare to complete a dungeon. Leveling can be done in the first 2 Slayer Areas, the

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Jungle Labyrinth


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Lava Lake

- note that Deadly Poison is simply a more damaging version of Poison, it deals 25% of the player's HP over the duration instead of 10%.

A simplistic order for completing TotH.svg Combat:

  1. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Jungle Labyrinth
    for the Labyrinth Solution
  2. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Ancient Sanctuary
    - See Ancient Sanctuary/Guide
  3. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Lava Lake
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    Forsaken Tundra
  4. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Underground Lava Lake
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    Lightning Region
  5. *optional*:
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    Lair of the Spider Queen
    - must be cleared manually at this stage.
  6. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Foggy Lake
    for powerful midgame tools
  7. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Midnight Valley
    for powerful midgame weapons
  8. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Cursed Forest
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    Necromancers Palace
    for powerful lategame equipment
  9. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Golden Cloud Mountains
    only until obtaining the Golden Shard
  10. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Millennium Gate
    Endgame Armour with the highest Damage Reduction
  11. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Golden Cloud Mountains
    for BIS endgame weapons
  12. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Lair of the Spider Queen
  13. Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Throne of the Herald

How Throne of the Herald affects Base Game Combat

All combat skills can be leveled up to 120, providing increased stats as a reward for the time spent:

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    200 extra HP can alleviate pain points in progression and allow the player to accomplish more difficult challenges without needing to make as many equipment tradeoffs.
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    is likely to end up higher than level 99 while completing base game combat, allowing the player to use the extremely powerful
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    , the highest level "Max Hit" Prayers.
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    allow the player's max hit, accuracy rating, and evasion ratings will all increase, making the player more powerful
All Combat equipment (ie. from
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, from
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, and from
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) CANNOT BE EQUIPPED until the defeat of Bane, Instrument of Fear.
  • Necromancers Crown from
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    Level 102
    automatically doubles all Bones, as well as Holy Dust.
  • The majority of
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    Potions can be created and used without any progression into TotH.svg Combat.
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    provides more powerful buffs than previously available and does not require combat progression.
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    Waterfall Crossing
    is an exceptional capstone obstacle that eliminates the need for Diamond Luck Potion to reliably connect with attacks.
  • Siren and Fox can be created in
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    without requiring high level combat.
  • The
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  • Superior Max Skillcape is a direct upgrade to the level 99 Maximum Skillcape as a reward for players who have fully leveled all of their skills.

Stats and Buffs


At this point in the player's journey it can be safely assumed that they have unlocked the vast majority of bonuses from

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, if the player is just starting in the expansion and hasn't completed Astrology, there are some major benefits that can be obtained from

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and some from

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that should be picked up as soon as possible. Clearing the

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Cursed Forest

for the Sign of the Stars is of course helpful, but is rather deep into Expansion Combat and is likely unnecessary. Similarly, upon the defeat of Bane, Instrument of Fear, the

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worship for Bane will be unlocked which provides the powerful ( Nightfall) Season that reduces the interval of

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by 50% for 3 days.


# Obstacle Reason
11 TotH.svg
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Frozen Maze
A great all-rounder with the primary bonus of additional Damage Reduction.
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Water Maze
Global doubling is fantastic for monsters that die very quickly.
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Forest Maze
Fantastic for
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if Area Effect Negation is required or the player is specifically hunting
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Pipe Maze
Fantastic for killing enemies of all kinds, can be detrimental to how fast the player can collect items due to its high negative doubling.
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Boulder Balance
More damage and a faster Attack Interval making the player deal even more damage and possibly able to avoid dangerous Stun, Freeze or Sleep effects.
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Rope Trap
Particularly useful for the earlier stages of Expansion Combat where the player can be hampered by the dps requirement of dungeon bosses.
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Balance Trap
Great for general use.
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Freezing Climb
Great for Expansion dungeons, deal more damage, take damage slightly less often!
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Gap Climb
Great for
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, adding more damage and Area Effect Negation.
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Waterfall Crossing
This grants the effect of Diamond Luck Potion IV for an generally inconsequential penalty of
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Freezing Rafting
This should be the player's absolute last line of defence for survivability, and should not be considered unless absolutely necessary.
EP TotH.svg
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Elite Pillar of Expertise
The default pillar for nearly all of the Expansion - immensely powerful buffs for all skills, Global Doubling being very powerful in combat particularly.
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Elite Pillar of Conflict
This Pillar is only recommended if
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Area Effect Negation is 'required', its effects are rather lacklustre otherwise.



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Waterfall Crossing

active, Diamond Luck Potion IV are no longer a near-necessity for the amount of damage they provide, this opens up many new options for which potion the player can use.

  • Max Hit potions can be a solid and reliable source of increased damage.
  • Damage Reduction Potion IV is incredibly useful for meeting DR requirements, especially for Late Expansion monsters and dungeons.
  • Slayer Bounty Potion IV is a hugely powerful buff for farming
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  • Area Control Potion IV can be useful for negating harmful Slayer Area Effects like those of
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    Lava Lake
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    Forsaken Tundra
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    Foggy Lake
  • Penetration Potion IV are potentially the highest amount of raw dps that can be gained from a potion and, once unlocked, can be used as the default combat potion for all Expansion Combat as soon as Ectoplasm is easily farmed.
  • Critical Strike Potion IV are about equal to Penetration Potions in most situations, but require a material that is easier to obtain without doing difficult combat.
  • Adaptive Potions feature a mechanic originally found on Pegasus, these potions should generally never be used as their effect actually decreases the player's stats if they fall below 57% of their max
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    , and the effect is lacklustre compared to the myriad available options.


Some particular synergies of note are:

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    and Spectre - a lot of bonus damage, particularly against enemies with high Damage Reduction.
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    and Fox - a lot of bonus damage, particularly against enemies with less Damage Reduction.
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    and Siren - Extra damage with the added benefit of CC, most useful with multi-hit special attacks - monsters that are asleep can't deal damage!
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    and Spectre - generally add up to an insane amount of raw accuracy and chance to hit, one of the few places where simply getting more accuracy is actually a tangible benefit instead of a minor change in power.
  • Fox and
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    - Great with multi-hit special attacks against enemies with high HP.
  • Spider and
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    - particularly when paired with Hinder Potion IV and the Royal Toxins Spear,
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    Poison Pods
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    Natures Bloom

Consumable Slot

Throne of the Herald Combat

Early Game Throne of the Herald: Levels 100-110

After defeating Bane, Instrument of Fear in the

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Impending Darkness Event

, the player unlocks the ability to wear all level 100+ weapons and armor. The immediate goals will be gearing up with new equipment and beginning the journey into expansion combat by defeating the monsters in the

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Jungle Labyrinth

to unlock the Clues required to unlock the

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Ancient Sanctuary


Major Goals

  • New weapons and armor from non-combat skills. All level 100+ armor is a direct upgrade from Aeris, Glacia, and Terran God Armors with better offensive stats and Damage Reduction. Unfortunately, the extra accuracy and damage of the Ragnar God Armor is lost, but the large amount of extra damage reduction is more than worth the tradeoff:
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Jungle Labyrinth
    monsters drop the items required to purchase the Labyrinth Solution as well as the earliest gear upgrade options.

Mid Game Throne of the Herald: Levels 111-120

Here the players goal is to finish collecting as many special pieces of equipment to fully kit out their character in preparation for the final stretch of combat. This will include all of the non-final boss Dungeons and all but the last two Slayer Areas.

Major Goals


Cockatrice will typically be the best source of XP, but it is always important to make sure you have all the items you need/want before exclusively chasing XP.


Siren will typically be the best source of XP, but it is always important to make sure you have all the items you need/want before exclusively chasing XP.


Gret-Yun will typically be the best source of XP, but it is always important to make sure you have all the items you need/want before exclusively chasing XP.

Late Game Throne of the Herald: Levels 118-120

Here we beat up the final, toughest monsters the game has to offer, then we kill the The Herald and put an end to his reign.

Major Goals