
Template:CorruptionsTable/doc: Difference between revisions

From Melvor Idle
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m (Fix copy to clipboard not working)
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The insides of this table was created using the following script. To use, open the game and paste the below into the [[In-game_Functions#Using_In-game_Functions|console]]. The outputs will be copied to your clipboard automatically. Links to the effects have to be added manually.
A script is used to generate the following table. To use, open the game and paste the below into the [[In-game_Functions#Using_In-game_Functions|console]]. The outputs will be copied to your clipboard automatically. After running the script, 'edit source' on [[Template:CorruptionsTable]] then Ctrl+A and Ctrl+V. Look over the contents to ensure everything looks fine then save.
A manual pass will need to be done to add links to different status effects, buffs, and enemy debuffs, such as [[Laceration]], [[Slow]], etc. Limit these links to once per table per effect.

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
let results = [];
let results = [`<noinclude>{{/doc}}[[Category:Manual Tables]]</noinclude>\n{| class="wikitable sortable stickyHeader"\n|-class="headerRow-0"\n!|Min Monster Lvl!!Effect`];
game.corruption.corruptionEffects.allRows.sort((a,b) => a.minMonsterLevel - b.minMonsterLevel).forEach(row => {
game.corruption.corruptionEffects.allRows.sort((a,b) => a.minMonsterLevel - b.minMonsterLevel).forEach(row => {
results.push(`|${numberWithCommas(row.minMonsterLevel)} || <span style="color:green">${row.customDescription}</span>`);
results.push(`|${row.minMonsterLevel ? numberWithCommas(row.minMonsterLevel) : 'Starts Unlocked'} || <span style="color:green">${row.customDescription}</span>`);
let output = ``;results.forEach(alias => output += alias + '\n|-\n');console.log(output);
let output = ``;results.forEach((alias, i) => output += alias + (i === results.length - 1 ? '\n|}' : '\n|-\n'));console.log(output);
self.nw?.Clipboard.get().set ? self.nw?.Clipboard?.get().set(output, 'text') : copy(output);
self.nw?.Clipboard.get().set ? self.nw?.Clipboard?.get().set(output, 'text') : copy(output);