Combat Guide

Revision as of 05:14, 2 February 2022 by Pollychan (talk | contribs) (Updated page version to v1.0.2)
This page was last updated for (v1.0.2).


This guide explains the combat and gear progression.

It is written for the characters of the Standard game mode. If you play

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or   Adventure modes, the preparation for certain events is different, especially for the

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Fire God Dungeon

. The guide starts with the overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. After that, it describes in detail the leveling before the first challenging dungeon of the game, the

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Volcanic Cave

. It goes over the god dungeons and concludes with the guidance for the endgame content.

There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of your combat experience:

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    - Many of the obstacles provide combat bonuses.
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    -   Diamond Luck Potions are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
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    - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including   Chapeau Noir,   Knight's Defender, and others.
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    - These are easy to obtain bonuses to your character. The hidden levels provide accuracy bonuses, as well as other nice easy to acquire boosts.
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    - The tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and do damage. The
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    burn effect is great against hard-to-hit enemies.

Other skills are necessary for smooth progression and to provide the funds for it:

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    for jewelry and ranged armor,
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    because its significant XP boost,
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    for healing.

In general, the idea is to deal most damage per minute and stay alive because dying will result in losing a piece of gear. Losing the item that takes a month to acquire is not what you want to experience.

Melvor Idle in general is not competitive, so it is recommended to set a goal and work towards it. Things like   FEZ are highly satisfying to finish. Clearing God Dungeons also greatly assists the core game skills, so maybe

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Master of Nature

is your goal.

Gear Stats

All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the combat styles:

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, or

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The gear that is more difficult to obtain is usually better. Closer the endgame, the choices become more situational rather than strictly better.

For stat breakdowns and math, use Combat Simulator or read the Combat wiki page.

Shared Stats

Attack Speed

Attack Speed, or AS, is determined mainly by the attack speed of your weapon. It is given as seconds per attack, so lower is better. Things that affect your attack speed are:

Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction, or DR, is for the majority of the game the stat to optimize for. DR, HP, and Auto Eat tier all determine what is the highest damage hit you can survive, and relatedly what content you can... idle. This is not an exhaustive list, but DR can be found on:

  •   - All gold-trimmed armor pieces
  •   - All Ancient tier gear, trimmed to max
  •   - All god dungeon gear
  •   Silver Diamond Ring - Can be obtained through crafting, battle drops, or thieving
  •   Damage Reduction Potions
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    - Defense Pet
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    - Earth God Dungeon Pet
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    Stone Skin
    - Prayer
  •   Absorbing Shield - Gain DR, lose evasion rating

For the end game, there are some prayers and items that drop from

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Impending Darkness

that affect your enemies DR:

Auto Eat

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Auto Eat

is the built-in upgrade that makes you eat at low health. Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical. Auto Eat Tier along with your health and damage resistance controls the vast majority of accessible content. You can do dungeons much, much earlier with

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Auto Eat - Tier III

. With Auto Eat, the type of food does not matter as long as you do not run out of it. It doesn't matter if you eat   Potatoes or   Whale (Perfect): that would only affect how much health you gain per one eaten item and how much time you spend

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instead of fighting monsters.

Auto Eat Threshold

Auto Eat Threshold reduces the effective HP necessary to trigger your auto eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. If you hinge on this mechanic, it is advised to test your build in the Combat Simulator before using it. Currently, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:

Auto Eat Efficiency

Auto Eat efficiency increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:

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    item mastery
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    constellation modifiers
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  •   Famished Potions

Slayer Area Effectiveness Reduction

Slayer Area Effectiveness Reduction reduces the effect of the slayer area effects on your character when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying (Forest of Goo, Arid Plains) to downright progress blocking (Dark Waters, Unhallowed Wasteland). This is another stat where Combat Sim testing is highly effective. This stat can be found on:

Armor/Evasion Rating

These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the Combat Triangle. The higher the number, the better.

It's important to note that the evasion rating does not affect what content you can idle! It simply affects how often you are hit and thus how much food you need.

It helps to kill enemies faster only if they can stun, slow, or sleep you because in this case you would evade their disabling attacks more often.

Class-related Stats

Melee Stats

Melee gear focuses on 4 stats:

  • Strength bonus: One of the factors that determines max hit
  • Stab/Slash/Block bonus: Determines the accuracy (chance to hit) of that particular attack style. Every weapon favors one of the styles, and using the correct one will boost your effective DPS.

Magic Stats

Magic armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

  • Magic Damage Bonus: A % increase in max hit
  • Magic attack bonus: Determines your accuracy

Additionally, magic also benefits from Rune Preservation Chance and Rune Cost Reduction. These can be found on:

Ranged Stats

Ranged armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

  • Ranged strength bonus: Determines your max hit
  • Ranged attack bonus: Determines your accuracy

Additionally ranged gear also benefits from Ammo Preservation. This can be found on:

Special Attacks and Loot Passives

Beyond stats, many pieces of equipment have Special Attacks or passive effects.

Special Attacks have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the Special Attacks page.

Loot Passive effects are bonuses that are always in play. These will increase your GP/hr as well as provide more loot to speed up many of the long grinds in the game. Item doubling is the most critical. These can be found on:

  •   Ring of Wealth - With the advent of the
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    update, Aorpheats has finally been dethroned as the one-stop-shop for combat item doubling. This gives an extra 2%, which adds up!
  •   Aorpheat's Signet Ring - Made with parts A/B, collected from doing combat/non-combat skills while wearing a   Gold Topaz Ring
  •   Chapeau Noir - Rare
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  • Pillar of Generosity -
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Gold increasing can be found on:

External Tooling

The two popular external tools are the Combat Simulator and the site called Can I Idle.

Combat Simulator is a browser extension maintained by TinyCoyote that allows you to estimate many attributes of combat, such as death rate, XP/hr, drops/hr, DPS, and so on. With Combat Simulator, it is trivial to check if your setup is going to work or not. It uses the same webworker as the game itself, so it's quite accurate.

Can I Idle is a site built and maintained by Silber. You enter some of the stats found on the combat page and see which enemies you can or can't idle. It's a very useful tool throughout the game.

This section will be expanded in the future.


If you play actively, you can start with

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early. If you want to progress in it, unlocking

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Auto Slayer

should be your first goal. You will also level your combat skills along the way. If you idle, it is okay to leave Slayer until you need the bonuses from its gear or drops from its monsters. The Slayer activity picks up closer to the time of

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Volcanic Cave

, and you will be able to catch up quickly with all the gear that you have at that point.

It takes 15 Normal Slayer tasks to buy the   Basic Slayer gear. The   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Strong) /   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Elite) /   Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master) take 25 Hard Tasks / 30 Elite Tasks / 40 Master Tasks respectively.

Slayer Areas sometimes require items that must be purchased using slayer coins from the Shop. One note, the monsters locked in slayer areas will not be rolled in slayer tasks until the item is purchased from the shop. You can leverage this to control the task rolls.

Early Game (Pre-Volcanic Cave)


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Volcanic Cave

, the game is primarily about leveling up your core combat stats, getting a feel for the combat systems, and acquiring items for non-combat skills.

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Volcanic Cave

is the first real challenge the game presents to you, and preparing for it will likely take a couple of weeks of grinding for standard accounts. This may be faster nowadays, but it took me about a month from setting my mind to the grind and completing it.

All three combat styles are connected. It is impossible to use only one style throughout the game if you wish to complete all content. Most people start with melee because it is the easiest style in terms of gear.

It is highly recommend to level all styles to not be in the position where you finished

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Volcanic Cave

and then have to level your

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from level 1 for 2 weeks.

Leveling Guidelines

The leveling guidelines below assume that your character is using an appropriate Auto Eat level and won't run out of food. Auto Eat tiers are listed out when buying the next tier would allow you to clear a dungeon you otherwise couldn't.

The assumed gear is at absolute bare minimum: full armor of the selected tier, base scimitar and shield, no cape, amulet, rings, prayers, potions, astrology stars, or agility obstacles. With all unaccounted bonuses, you often can go higher than what is given in the guide.

All assumed skill levels are equal to the ones required by the set of gear.

Each combat style has a subsection that lists out all of the best XP/hr monsters and idleable dungeons at this gear breakpoint.

The monster levels are listed where possible. It should roughly guide you on what item to work towards next.

For choosing a proper mob to farm, it is recommended to follow a priority rule:

  1. Mob that drops what you want,
  2. Slayer Tasks,
  3. Highest Combat XP/hr.

Hitting Frozen Archers for 2 weeks is a really boring way to play the game.

And finally, using Combat Simulator and Can I Idle should be your guide over anything printed here. This guide accepts no responsibility for your untimely demise.

Gear Goals

An early goal for most players is the   Amulet of Looting, found in the

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Spider Forest

, which will make combat a fully automated activity. Beyond that, it's mainly a matter of learning how combat works and leveling up your skills. Please note that the following items are not mandatory, but they help in progression:



For melee, your goal is to wear and wield the highest level gear available to you. I have replicated the tables here, abbreviated for the point where you're going to need to start clearing the higher-level dungeons.

Level Requirement
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Best XP Monster Newly Idleable Dungeons
1   Bronze   Bronze   Cow -
  Iron   Iron   Cow -
(Using Iron)   Slayer (Basic)   Cow -
5   Steel   Steel   Skeleton -
10   Black   Black   Frozen Archer (Skip Black Armor, it's hard to gear for)
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Chicken Coop
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Auto Eat - Tier II
20   Mithril   Mithril   Frozen Archer -
30   Adamant   Adamant   Frozen Archer
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Undead Graveyard
(Using Adamant)   Slayer (Strong)   Frozen Archer -
40   Ice   Ice   Frozen Archer
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Spider Forest
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Frozen Cove
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Bandit Base
  Rune   Rune   Frozen Archer
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Miolite Caves
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Auto Eat - Tier III
(Using Rune)   Miolite   Frozen Archer -
50   Desert Sabre (Using Rune)   Bandit
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Deep Sea Ship
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Hall of Wizards
  Miolite Sceptre (Using
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Surge II
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Anguish II
(Using Rune)   Bandit -
60   Dragon   Dragon   Bandit -
  Slayer (Elite)   Vampire -

Gear Goals

Before Volcanic, you can grind the

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Castle of Kings

area to find most of your upgrades to supplant any gear not gained from

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. You can also get some very good melee weapons in pre-Volcanic Cave areas. Drops to look for:


Same as Melee, you should be doing the highest XP/hr monster with the highest possible gear. Due to the slower attack speed and the relative difficulty of

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large amounts of bolts, you shouldn't use   crossbows until you have the   Dragon Crossbow or better. For bolts, anything worse than   Emerald Bolts is sellable. Save the   Diamonds for   Diamond Luck IV Potions.


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Bows Arrows Armor Best XP Monster Idleable Dungeons
1   Normal Shortbow /   Normal Longbow   Bronze Arrows   Leather   Cow -
  Iron Arrows   Slayer Cowl (Basic)/  Slayer Leather Body (Basic)   Cow -
  Ice Arrows (Using Leather)   Cow -
5   Oak Shortbow /   Oak Longbow   Steel Arrows (Using Leather)   Ranged Golbin -
10 (Using Oak Shortbow) (Using Steel Arrows)   Hard Leather   Tentacle
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Chicken Coop
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Auto Eat - Tier II
20   Willow Shortbow /   Willow Longbow   Mithril Arrows (Using Hard Leather)   Frozen Archer -
30   Maple Shortbow /   Maple Longbow   Adamant Arrows   Slayer Cowl (Strong) /   Slayer Leather Body (Strong)   Wizard /   Bandit
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Undead Graveyard
40   Yew Shortbow /   Yew Longbow   Rune Arrows   Green D-hide /   Ranger Hat/  Ranger Boots   Bandit
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Spider Forest
  Ice Shortbow /   Ice Longbow   Ice   Master Wizard
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Bandit Base
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Hall of Wizards
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Frozen Cove
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Deep Sea Ship
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Miolite Caves
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Auto Eat - Tier III
50   Magic Shortbow /   Magic Longbow (Using Rune)   Blue D-hide + Ranger gear   Master Wizard -
  Desert Shortbow /   Elerine Longbow (Using Rune) (Using Blue D-hide)   Master Wizard -
60   Redwood Shortbow /   Redwood Longbow   Dragon Arrows   Red D-hide   Master Wizard -
  Poisoned Shortbow (Using Dragon)   Slayer Cowl (Elite) /   Slayer Leather Body (Elite)   Master Wizard -

Gear Goals



- See Magic/Training

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Weapon Spell Best XP Monster Idleable Dungeons
1   Base Staves
  Magic Wand (Basic)
30   Battlestaves
  Magic Wand (Powerful)
40   Mystic Staves
60   Magic Wand (Elite)

Gear Goals

Volcanic Cave

Your first target after reaching

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Level 99

is the

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Volcanic Cave


To prevent issues with duplicating content, all information about it was put into a dedicated page.

- See Volcanic Cave/Guide

Infernal Stronghold

Congratulations on beating the

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Volcanic Cave


You now have the   Fire Cape that provides 2% DR and slightly improves your defences.

Next, you need to clear the

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Infernal Stronghold

once to get the   Infernal Cape - the best combat cape at this stage of the game.

Use the build for manual eating from the linked guide to clear the dungeon.

- See Infernal_Stronghold/Guide

Mid Game (God Dungeons)

While somewhat intimidating, all four god dungeons are handled in the same way - the next one is beaten with the gear from the previous one.

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    by   Ancient gear from
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    by   Aeris gear from
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    by   Glacia gear from
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    by preferably   Aeris gear or by   Glacia, but that requires much more DR.

Some additional useful drops for the midgame are the following, found in Elite-tier slayer areas:

None of the above are needed, but definitely worth obtaining here. You should also be nearing max combat as you progress through the dungeons.

To unlock the ancient spells, you will need to run each of the God Dungeons 100 times. Each dungeon also provides extremely useful drops, some of which are Best-in-Slot (BiS).

Additionally, completing the God Dungeons unlocks the skill upgrades:

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Perpetual Haste


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Expanded Knowledge


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Master of Nature

, and

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Art of Control

. These reduce the related skill intervals by 15%, which makes them excellent for anyone going for mastery. It might take around a month to complete all God Dungeons in preparation for

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Into the Mist


Air God Dungeon

Item Slot DR%
  (G) Ancient Helmet Head 7%
  (G) Ancient Platebody Body 7%
  (G) Ancient Platelegs Leggings 7%
  (G) Dragon Boots Boots 6%
  (U) Ancient D-hide Vambraces Hands 6%
  Infernal Cape Cape 4%
  Elite Amulet of Defence Neck 2%
  Sandstorm Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
Total 46%

The order of actions to get this build is the following:

  1. For the   vambraces, check the Dragons Den/Guide.
  2. DPS-wise, get at least   Sunset Rapier. Check the Deep Sea Ship/Guide for that.
  3. Get the   Sandstorm Ring. It's an immense DPS boost for Melee builds.
  4. For the   amulet, check the FEZ/Guide. Ideally, compare your options with the Combat Simulator because   Bounty Hunter has large DPS. Your food expenditure might be not worth it.
  5. Clear
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    Volcanic Cave
    100 times.
  6. Now might be the time to farm   Pegasi for the   Ancient Claw. You need 20k accuracy on
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    Slicing Winds
    . For instance, by getting the   set,  ,  ,  , and
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    Level 91
    . The Ancient Claw/Guide explains why farming it now may be the best option.
  7. Get the   Dragonfire Shield - its DR and HP buff will be useful throughout the whole game. To get dem   bonez, give a   Green Dragon some
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    Icicle Volleys
    treatment because it has the best DPS at the moment. Or you can use
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    Slicing Winds
    if you don't want to bother with water runes.
  8. Collect a full   Ancient set from the
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    Volcanic Cave
  9. Ideally, manually farm
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    Infernal Stronghold
    for 10   Infernal Cores to get an   Infernal Claw. There's a guide about it: Infernal Stronghold/Guide.
  10. Whack the hell out of the
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    Air God Dungeon

For the gear options and notable drops, see Air God Dungeon/Guide.

Water God Dungeon

Link to guide: Water God Dungeon/Guide

Item Slot DR%
  Aeris God Helmet Head 8%
  Aeris God Platebody Body 8%
  Aeris God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Aeris God Boots Boots 8%
  Aeris God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Infernal Cape Cape 4%
  Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs Neck 3%
  Silver Diamond Ring Ring 1%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
Total 56%

At this point, you should have a full set of   Aeris God Gear. For your weapon, you should be using

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Ancient Crossbow

, or   Slayer's Crossbow/  Dragon Crossbow if you don't have one.   Dragonfire Shield as well makes this a breeze so you can use   Aorpheat's Signet Ring in the ring slot.

  Emerald Bolts are probably your best bet.   Jadestone Bolts work too if you have those.

This dungeon is a breeze if you have the above gear. Notable drops:

After completing this dungeon, you should absolutely complete the   Infernal Claw grind if you have not already. This weapon is necessary for

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Into the Mist

, and is one of the highest DPS weapons in the game, whilst also allowing you to wield   Dragonfire Shield. Full Glacia +

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should kill   Griffin /   Pegasus quite easily if you hit the accuracy breakpoint.

Minimal Clearing Combat Sim
Not Done
Pre-ITM Farming
Not Done
Post-ITM Farming
Not Done

Earth God Dungeon

Link to guide: Earth God Dungeon/Guide

Item Slot DR%
  Glacia God Helmet Head 8%
  Glacia God Platebody Body 8%
  Glacia God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Glacia God Boots Boots 8%
  Glacia God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Skull Cape Cape 3%
  Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs Neck 3%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
Total 54%

Same ordeal as the

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Water God Dungeon

. Equip the previous set of armor, then get to work. By now, you should likely have   Skull Cape, one of the BiS capes for magic.   Air Imbued Wand is highly recommended so you can use

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for cheap along with the   Dragonfire Shield.

Again, this dungeon is easy. Notable Drops:

Minimal Clearing Combat Sim
Not Done
Pre-ITM Farming
Not Done
Post-ITM Farming
Not Done

Fire God Dungeon

Link to Guide: Fire God Dungeon/Guide

Item Slot DR%
  Aeris God Helmet Head 8%
  Aeris God Platebody Body 8%
  Aeris God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Aeris God Boots Boots 8%
  Aeris God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Infernal Cape Cape 4%
  Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs Neck 3%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
Total 55%

This dungeon is a bit harder than the previous, as it mixes both melee and magic enemies. For that reason, use the   Aeris god set. Gear setup is similar to the

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Water God Dungeon

, but focuses primarily on DR breakpoints. Consider using the

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Stone Skin

prayer or   Damage Reduction Potion IV's. Getting enough DR without using prayer or potions will severely hamper your clear times, as you won't be equipping the proper DPS gear.

Highly recommend using combat sim to ensure you aren't killed by   Ragnar or   Ignis. This dungeon probably has the most variety in setups out of any of the dungeons, just ensure that you aren't in danger of dying.

Notable drops:

Minimal Clearing Combat Sim
Not Done
Pre-ITM Farming
Not Done
Post-ITM Farming
Not Done

Preparing for Into the Mist

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Into the Mist

is one of the most difficult challenges in the game. The Insane difficulty is accurate. It cannot be idled. To start, you first fight 20 Afflicted versions of randomly chosen monsters between combat level 165 and 677. Any monster, save those from

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Unhallowed Wasteland


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Dark Waters

, including bosses, can be chosen.

Affliction is a special status effect applied by monsters that reduces your max HP. This means that the encounters are a race against the clock, forcing you to kill the enemy before your affliction stacks get too high. Due to this, it is recommended that you focus on DPS above all else when choosing your three gear sets.

This dungeon cannot be completed without the Dungeon Equipment Swapping upgrade purchased from the shop.

It is highly recommended that you have acquired *all* previously available BiS gear for each combat style before attempting ITM.

Recommended Gear from Best to Worst:

At this point you can probably begin to make your way towards one of the longest grinds in the game,   Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs. FEZ, as it is often called, is made from the upgrading process by combining:

This item is by no means necessary, but it is very useful as a "catch all" type of amulet. No matter what situation you're in, FEZ is probably a good choice. See the following link for best practices while farming for the amulet.

Link to Guide: Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs/Guide

Into the Mist

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Into the Mist

consists of 3 set order phases, with pauses in between each phase.

Link to the guide: Into_the_Mist/Guide

There is too much information on ITM to copy to this guide, definitely worth reading the above, which is excellent.

Notable Drops:

  • Access to the
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    Dark Waters
    slayer area, where the T90 weapons can be obtained
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    - Drops after 5 completions

Passive Slot

Main Article: Combat Passive Slot

Congratulations on completing

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Into the Mist

! Your reward is one of the best upgrades in the game, the passive slot. This allows you to slot any item with the "Passive Slot Compatible" text into said slot. What this allows you to do is splash extra effects on items with otherwise mediocre stats into your build.

While the original article is more than exhaustive, I'll highlight some of the best choice items here:

T90 Farming

Following completion of

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Into the Mist

, you now have access to

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Dark Waters

, the penultimate slayer area. These 3 mobs drop fragments for the T90 weapons, the most powerful weapons in the game. These are extremely long grinds, and require quite a bit of preparation. Each weapon requires 100 fragments, and the fragments have a 2% drop rate. That's 5,000 kills on average.

We recommend acquiring them in the following order, as the high evasion on   Rokken makes it extremely hard to complete without   Tidal Edge:

Additionally, you should also acquire the pet

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whilst doing this grind.

Item fragments are very rare drops, and you should attempt to sneak in as much item doubling into your gear as possible. Using Combat Sim to measure your Drops/hr with no deaths is highly recommended. It can make the difference in literal days of grinding.


There are a couple of different orders in which these weapons are normally obtained.

Basically, a   Tidal Edge is heavily suggested for   Rokken.

The most standard orders are:

-   Tidal Edge then

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then   Ocean Song -   Ocean Song then   Tidal Edge then

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Below are some gear suggestions. Depending on

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, and

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buffs), your optimal gear can change.

This whole guide assumes you either use SEMI to pick up items, or are active enough to pick up all pieces.

Many people combine the grinding of these weapons with the grind for the master slayer gear. An added benefit is the increased damage given by the slayer cape on task.

Tidal Edge

To be able to idle   Umbora with

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, you'll need 47 DR assuming you have 1000 HP.

  Umbora can be killed either with Ancient Magicks or with Normal Magic if you have an   Ocean Song.

With   Ocean Song, use

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Fire Surge


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Water Surge

(+2% kill time) or

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Water Blast

(+9% kill time, strongly reduced rune cost). With an Imbued Wand, use

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(+40% kill time) or

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(+45% kill time).

Item Slot DR%
  Glacia God Helmet Head 8%
  Glacia God Platebody Body 8%
  Glacia God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Glacia God Boots Boots 8%
  Glacia God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Slayer Skillcape Cape 0%
  FEZ Neck 3%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Earth Layered Shield Off-hand 12%
  Chapeau Noir Passive 0%
Total 55%

Use the appropriate Elemental Imbued Wand for Ancients, and the   Ocean Song for Normal magic. The   Slayer Skillcape can be replaced with a   Max Skillcape or   Skull Cape. The   FEZ can be replaced with a   Warlock Amulet. If you hit the DR goal, you can opt for a   Elder Crown,   Slayer Wizard Hat (Master),   Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)...


While the other two weapons are pretty straightforward in terms of gear, the

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is not.

You need to use Melee for this grind, and as said before, it is highly suggested that you have a   Tidal Edge before you start the   Rokken hunt.

Standard Method

This method will require the highest DR, as you need to be able to tank the Shockwave special attack of   Rokken while the player is stunned. At 1,000 HP, this will require 56 DR.

Item Slot DR%
  Tidal Edge Weapon 0%
  Terran God Helmet Head 8%
  Terran God Platebody Body 8%
  Terran God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Terran God Boots Boots 8%
  Terran God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Slayer Skillcape Cape 0%
  FEZ Neck 3%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
  Chapeau Noir Passive 0%
Total 51%

Besides this tank gear set-up, you will need extra DR. This can be achieved by using a   Fire Cape,   Infernal Cape, DR potions/prayers... The use of DR potions should be avoided if possible, so that DL potions can be used.

Reduced DR Method

For this method to work safely without risk of death, the player's attack speed must be less than 2.24 seconds, as this means the player is quick enough to avoid being stunned when   Rokken attacks with the Shockwave special attack. To achieve this,   Elder Crown should be equipped into the Combat Passive Slot and

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should be unlocked, bringing the player's attack speed down to 2.2 seconds. The method also makes use of Ragnar God Armour and the   Fighter Amulet in order to increase DPS and therefore the kills per hour.

At 1,000 HP, this method requires 48 DR.

Item Slot DR%
  Tidal Edge Weapon 0%
  Ragnar God Helmet Head 7%
  Ragnar God Platebody Body 7%
  Ragnar God Platelegs Leggings 7%
  Ragnar God Boots Boots 7%
  Ragnar God Gloves Hands 7%
Subtotal 35%
  Slayer Skillcape Cape 0%
  Fighter Amulet Neck 0%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 8%
  Elder Crown Passive 0%
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Pet 0%
Total 43%

To obtain the missing 5 DR,

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can be used. Another possibility is to use 5 Terran God Armour pieces.

Ocean Song

To be able to idle   Ku-tul with

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, you'll need 48 DR assuming you have 1000 HP. Depending on your chosen route, you'll be killing   Ku-tul with either a

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Ancient Crossbow

/  Slayer's Crossbow or   Stormsnap. Use   Jadestone Bolts,   Emerald Bolts or   Ancient Arrows respectively. As you can't use a shield whilst using a   Stormsnap, the DR has to be compensated with

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buffs, DR potions or

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Item Slot DR%
  Aeris God Helmet Head 8%
  Aeris God Platebody Body 8%
  Aeris God Platelegs Leggings 8%
  Aeris God Boots Boots 8%
  Aeris God Gloves Hands 8%
Subtotal 40%
  Slayer Skillcape Cape 0%
  FEZ Neck 3%
  Aorpheat's Signet Ring Ring 0%
  Dragonfire Shield Off-hand
  Chapeau Noir Passive
Total 51%

The   FEZ can be replaced with a   Deadeye Amulet, the   Slayer Skillcape with a   Max Skillcape,  Cape of Ranged Preservation or   Fire Cape/  Infernal Cape for the extra DR. If you hit the DR goal, you can opt for a   Elder Crown,   Slayer Cowl (Master),   Slayer Leather Body (Master)...

Unhallowed Wasteland

After completing the T90 weapon grinds, you are ready to face the final content in Melvor.

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Unhallowed Wasteland

is the final

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area. To access, you will need to purchase a

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Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland

. This area requires maximizing a different stat than DR. All of the monsters here will heal a % of their HP every 2 attacks, which will outpace your DPS regardless of setup. To mitigate this, you will need the following example Melee set for use versus the   Legaran Wurm:

Item Slot Slayer Area
Effect Negation%
  Slayer Helmet (Master) Head 20%
  Slayer Platebody (Master) Body 20%
  Ragnar God Platelegs Leggings 0%
  Ragnar God Boots Boots 0%
  Ragnar God Gloves Hands 0%
Subtotal 40%
  Max Skillcape/  Slayer Skillcape Cape 25%
  Fighter Amulet Neck 0%
  Hunter's Ring Ring 10%
  Tidal Edge Weapon 0%
  Shield of Melee Power /   Dragonfire Shield Off-hand 0%
  Slayer Cowl (Master) Passive 20%
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Pillar of Combat
Pillar 5%
Total 100%

For the other gearing, should be pretty similar. For the neck slots:

For the shield slots, you should stick with   Dragonfire Shield, or the style shield from

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Impending Darkness Event

(  Shield of Melee Power /   Shield of Magic Power /   Shield of Ranged Power). It should be noted that while UW is listed first,

completing the
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Impending Darkness Event

will strictly make this grind faster! You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, and the shields greatly speed up these grinds.

While you are here, you should work to acquire all of the set bonus gear, dropped from each of the UW monsters:

Impending Darkness

- See Impending Darkness Event/Guide


Because   Bane uses the modifiers from the slayer area you fight him in, you should always fight him in the

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Perilous Peaks

. Your prayer will be

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Protect from Magic

or whichever style he is, plus your other style prayer, rendering the area effect moot.

When fighting   Bane, always eat through the Suffocate special attack. The stuns will cripple you. Fragile Mind can be extremely dangerous if you have high Affliction stacks, so be on the lookout for that as well.

Bane will force you to use the same attack style as he is. If you are hitting for 0, make sure you're not using the combat triangle default.

Running from Bane will not make you leave the event, just forces you to refight that slayer area. Bane's style will also be rerolled, if you want to avoid melee.

For passives, avoid giving + Max HP, or any sort of regen. These will extend the fights, which makes them deadlier and more expensive in food and gear. + Max Hit is fine, as special damage is unaffected. Obviously, avoid Affliction if possible. These do stack.

The final fight with   Bane is a special version,   Bane, Instrument of Fear


You will need to be able to switch your combat styles on the fly in

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Dark Waters


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Unhallowed Wasteland

. These areas WILL kill you if you are using the wrong combat style versus them. There is no pausing between monsters, so we highly recommend maxing out your Slayer Area Reduction on all 3 equipment sets.

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tablets are nigh required for Bane, as the burn status effect will chisel away his HP even when you are stunned. Pair with

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tablets. For melee,   Ring of Blade Echoes increases the number of hits you do, which pairs well with

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tablets. For magic,

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also provides more hits for burns. Towards the end, switch to   Ocean Song and

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Fire Surge

to finish him off with specials.


Each Bane kill drops the following loot, in this set order. All of these are BiS:


Main writers: TheAlpacalypse#8105 and Verisimilitude#0001.

A special thank you to the following people:

  • Verisimilitude#0001 for assisting with the majority of the early guide groundwork
  • Steelsauce#0251, Redmrj#2539, Tessa#0001 for guide feedback
  • TinyCoyote#1769, Coolrox95#9670, and Visua#9999 for their work on Combat Sim and other scripting work
  • Nomeru#4261 for contributing most of the Impending Darkness section
  • Drboomtown#0982 for creating the original Can I Idle and Silber#6947 for updating it and answering a ton of noob questions
  • Tim|Orii#4191 for creating the Gear Progression guide
  • Malcs and Prat for making this game

Reach out to the author on Discord at TheAlpacalypse#8105