What to level first

From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 09:29, 30 April 2024 by Seravin (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 67722 by Seravin (talk))
This page was last updated for (v1.2).


This guide will not include any Throne of the Herald or Atlas of Discovery content.

This page is intended to be a quick start guide to beginning your Melvor journey. It basically holds your hand through the early game, and gets you off on the right foot. If you want to make your own way through Melvor, this is not the guide for you. There's no right or wrong way to play Melvor, and I would encourage you to play at your own pace. Yes it can be frustrating to constantly run out of gold or bank space, but exploration is very fun in Melvor. There are plenty of skills to try out and get a feel for, as well as combat. If this has somehow changed your mind about reading, my advice is to get every skill to level 30. Fast enough that it won't take forever, but long enough to see the interplay of the skills.

If I haven't convinced you, let's go!

Note: If you have any questions, need clarification, or have suggestions, @seravin on the discord.


  1. Do the tutorial if you're completely new to this type of game, just to get your feet wet(or don't. I'm not your dad)
  2. Woodcutting until you get the first
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    • We want summoning going early. We won't be using
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      except to level
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      to level 5, and not even right now.
  3. Switch to
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    and mine Tin Ore and Copper Ore in equal amounts. We want to get to Iron Ore which takes Mining 15.
    • You will likely get Topaz from mining at some point. Keep Two Topaz Sell the rest, you can use the money to buy your Smithing pick upgrades as you go.
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      will be our early money making skills. They aren't great but they're the best we've got for now.
  4. Now we're moving on to
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    . Make Bronze Bar and turn those bars into Bronze Arrowtips. They're okay exp and the best money per bar we can get for now. So we'll make them until
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    10 at least. You can finish out the rest of your bronze here for money, but as long as we can make Iron Bar we can move on.
    • This is our early game income. We'll use this first batch to fund tools, and the little bit of money we need for summoning. It's fine if we go a little overboard. You can sell most of the gems you find, and even though it might seem crazy? Mastery Tokens can be sold too.
    • Make sure you have at least 9600 gold.
  5. Jump over to
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    and get yourself 400 normal logs.
    • We're gonna make almost exactly enough
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      to hit
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  6. With our first mark found, we're making
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    until we run out of wood.
  7. Back to
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    to use up our
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    tabs. If you're not level 5 summoning by the time they're gone I have no idea how you did that since the three times I did this 175 was enough.
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    is up next. We're gonna be spending a bit of time here getting up to 30 Mining, going back and forth between this and
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    • At some point you will find your first
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      mark, and you should immediately go mark a set of
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      tablets. Later Mole synergies will be useful, and even if we can't get summoning exp right now, finding more marks is very good.
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    time! Once you've got a stack of Iron Ore, go turn it into Iron Bar and turn those into whatever the highest exp thing there is. The ratio of exp/bar is identical across all iron things. Daggers, then gloves, then battleaxes will suffice on our way to Smithing 24.
    • We want the quickest path to Iron Crossbow Head since they're the best compromise of money and exp.
      • At this point, we alternate
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        until Smithing is 40. We will need 300 Iron Ore later but if you need money or bank space, we can get more later.

Note here. Sticking with mining until 40 so you can mine gold ore overnight is a good plan. It depends a lot on when you start this whole thing. But a first overnight of gold ore is highly recommended.

  1. Since we're already mining, let's get a couple thousand Rune Essence. You'll need lots over the course of this guide, so there's not really a too much you can get here.
    • We're gonna start up some combat soon. Yes it seems like we're all over the place, but it'll make sense eventually.
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    is our next step. We need Air Rune, Mind Rune, Water Rune, Fire Rune, and Mist Rune. We also want to make a full set of Air Acolyte gear, including Staff of Air. That'll be an investment of 180 air runes. Early game spells are cheap, but you'll use the runes eventually, so go crazy.
    • You'll want to spend your mastery to level up the runes you're making to 45 minimum. Ideally 60+ to get a bigger stack per action.
  3. For a change of pace, we're going
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    . We need Shrimp, but not a whole lot.
    • There's a township task to kill 100 plants that rewards 2000 potatoes, and we're going for it right away. If we assume we'll be very unlucky, and it will take 2 shrimp to kill each plant, that's about 300 shrimp once we get past the failure chance of cooking to start.
  4. Pretty simple,
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    those shrimp.
  5. Start your
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    up at this point. May as well pick the Aeris worship too.
    • This guide doesn't cover any township stuff, since it doesn't have a whole lot of spare gold early. Later on you can spend extra time thieving to upgrade Township, but that's on you.
  6. We're finally getting into combat! You want to immediately switch to magic + defense style. You can find that on the View Equipment tab of the combat screen. Go kill 100 Plant.
  7. Alongside the Plant task, there's a few others we can hit up before we switch back to skilling.
    • Kill 25 Golbin, you can sell the armor reward, we won't need or want it.
    • Kill 25 Chicken, we'll be able to get the reward later, for now just get the kills.
    • Kill 25 Cow, keep the raw beef and leather. The beef can be cooked now, the leather will be useful later.
  8. And the final combat task is to kill Junior Farmer for some seeds. You want at least 20 Potato Seeds for
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    but more is better. Adult Farmer offer even more, and higher level seed selections. Whatever food you have left should be used to collect as many seeds as possible before moving on.
    • Hopefully you'll get enough mastery to "go infinite" with your seeds from this point on, but if you can't, do some more
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      to get more seeds.
  9. Once you've finished seed collecting, start
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    . Gloop will be useful for getting more crops out of your seeds, which in turn yields more exp. We're aiming for level 35 Farming here to get to Lemontyle Herb.
    • Once you've gotten to 35, pick a veggie and stick with it. You can get some pretty good stacks of corn or strawberries for later combat if you stick to a single one.
  10. Time to bounce back to
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    . We're looking for level 40, and iron then silver will get us there. Silver Ore sells for more than iron, and gives more exp, but isn't worth its smithing time, so sell it raw, once you've made 100 bars for a task.
Once you can mine mithril ore, it's a good time to start working on
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tabs. We're going to use
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to take us all the way to 35 Summoning. Yes, this will also take a while, but if Summoning lags behind, it's a hassle to catch it back up.

  1. Now that we have access to Gold Ore, this is our cash cow. Mine and smith Gold Bar until you've got 1.5 million gold. Yes, it's a lot. Hopefully it's the only time we have to do it.
    • 1 million of this is for autoeat 1, which you should buy immediately.
    • Once you can make gold bars, immediately jump to
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      and get it to level 10. Make Gold Topaz Ring and Gold Topaz Necklace. Equip them both.
    • While you're
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      , spend your mastery on gold bars. The increased preserve and double are very helpful. Once gold bar is 99, split the mastery among other items in smithing. This is a small boost in chance to get Circlet of Rhaelyx and Jewel of Rhaelyx but we may as well.
  2. Now that we're back to skilling, we've got some tasks we can work on.
    • Make 100 Gold Bar, 100 Silver Bar, and 100 Mithril Bar. We'll get to those without much trouble in the 1.5m gold section, it's a small detour that's easy to accomplish.
    • Make a set of mithril armor. You can sell the rewards from this one as well.
    • This one will take a bit more doing, but you want 5000 exp in
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      , and
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      . You should be mostly done with these at this point, and the reward is worth over 40,000 gold.
  3. At this point, we should be looking at a
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    level of 35, which opens up
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    for us with
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  4. Use your mist runes to make Crow tablets, then make more Air Rune, Water Rune, Fire Rune, Chaos Rune, Mist Rune, and Smoke Rune. We're just aiming for level 45
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    at the moment, so once you get there, we can move along.
    • Once your
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      can make a synergy, it is a good idea to use them to get rune essence. You will go through a lot at this point.
  5. It's
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    time! Not actually, but it's worth taking time to see what we need coming up soon.
    • Quick obstacle rundown:
      • Obstacle 1/Agility 1: Cargo Net or Rope Climb. 10,000 gold
      • Obstacle 2/Agility 10: Balance Beam. 50,000 gold
      • Obstacle 3/Agility 20: Pipe Balance-this one takes 300 Tin Ore and 300 Iron Ore. 150,000 gold
      • Obstacle 4/Agility 30: Coal Stones-100 Tomato Seeds, 500 Salmon, 20
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        , 20
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        , 250,000 gold
      • Obstacle 5/Agility 40: Rooftop Run-500 Lemontyle Herb, 750 Lobster, 50
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        , 500,000 gold
  6. As you can see some of those are out of reach, so we're gonna remedy that now. We're going
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    again. Raw Shrimp, Raw Sardine, Raw Herring, Raw Trout, Raw Salmon, and Raw Lobster in that order will get you there. Now go get some
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    • This is a boring grind, but you may get lucky with Message in a Bottle and get some easy exp from Raw Seahorse. All down to luck. If not, just grind it out, and don't forget about the 71% success chance that mastery 1
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      starts at. Swapping back and forth isn't difficult, but it is kinda annoying.
      • Now is a good time to cook up that Raw Beef if you didn't already for the township task.
  7. Since we didn't need all those fish, equip some of the leftovers, and let's go get our Lemontyle Seeds. The easiest way to get them is Master Farmer, so that's what we're doing. You're gonna have to manually eat, and it's not gonna be great, but eventually you'll get out of there with 100 Tomato Seeds and around 20 Lemontyle Seeds. That's your cue to run off.
    • You could definitely use
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      to roll for Master Farmer tasks. It'll be a minor benefit, but until you manage to get autoslayer, you may as well.
  8. While you're waiting for your Lemontyle Herb to grow, get
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    to 30. After that, we're hopping over to our actual moneymaking method in Melvor Idle.
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    finally! Unfortunately, Thieving kinda sucks early on. Before we even start, you want probably 3-400k gold on hand to buy Thieving Gloves to get you started.
    • You do want to stop using Thieving Gloves as soon as possible though, since they'll hinder your gold/hour tremendously.
    • You're going to have to either take baby steps, or be willing to watch yourself do thieving so as not to die. With only autoeat 1, it's unlikely to keep you alive. You are just going to verrrryyyyy slllooooowwwwllyyy, creep from one target to the next, when they're at 100% success chance.
      • You'll want to buy mastery levels in Man until it's 100%, then start buying mastery levels in Woman, etc.
      • Your progression should be Man-Woman-Bandit Thug-Marauder-Golbin Chief-Assistant Cook-Chef
      • You are looking for some specific drops besides money here too. Bandit Thug and Marauder can drop Thiever's Cape which increases stealth and gold from thieving. Golbin Chief drops Golbin Mask which also increases stealth and gold while thieving. And any target can drop Sneak-Ers, which again, increase stealth. It's all in the rng here.
  10. Once you're level 20
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    , you should work your agility up to 40. At that point it'll just be waiting for level 50 to buy the last obstacle. The timing on this is up to you, but you want to be able to buy the obstacle once
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    is level 50.

At this point you're basically set! I know it sounds really early to be kicking you out of the nest, but from here you don't have much work to do. Thieving will eventually unlock Chef, which pretty easily makes you a million gold per hour(with Gloves of Silence), along with stacks of food, relieving you from fishing or cooking. Your summoning is at least 45, so you can make and use leprechaun tabs to get summoning exp, along with any other easily unlocked marks. I'll leave some suggested tasks here to get you moving along though.

  1. Continue working on
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    tablets and Magic + Defense style combat. Collect slayer coins to get AutoSlayer. Good targets would be Giant Crab, Ghost, Confused Pirate, Bandit, or Hill Giant.
  2. Upgrade your magic gear as you gain levels in magic and runecrafting. Air adept gear can be used at 35 magic, which doesn't take long. At some point you'll want to get the 25% mastery pool checkpoint to improve your exp gain.
  3. When
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    gets to 45, go get Gloves of Silence for another stealth, interval, and gold boost to thieving. These things are HUGE for your gold per hour. Suggest getting them as soon as possible. Once you have them, autoeat 2 and 3 are more quickly gotten, and should be whenever you feel you want them.
  4. Amulet of Looting is a very important piece of equipment if you plan to do any long term combat. You can idle the Spider Forest dungeon around 16 dr/380 hp. This dungeon also contains nearly all the base game gear you'll need for ranged, minus some fairly easily bought dhide pieces to upgrade them.
  5. Once your defense reaches level 40 you can equip rune armor. If you use your silver and gold bars to upgrade a set of armor, you'll make your melee journey much easier. You can even get the rune armor from Rune Knight which are weak to magic attacks.
  6. With all your thieving money,
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    should be started soon. It will be another source of food for you once you get it leveled up a ways.

Good luck and happy leveling!

Melvor Idle Skill Guides
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Alternative Magic
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