Soul Rune

From Melvor Idle
This page is up to date (v1.3.1).
TotH.svg Soul Rune
Soul Rune
No Description
Item ID: melvorTotH:Soul_Rune
Category: Runecrafting
Type: Rune
Sells For: 24GP
Item Sources:
  • Pickpocketing:
    Error creating thumbnail: File missing
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Level 108
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Item Uses:
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Part of 100% Completion: Yes

Item Sources




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Spell Requires Type Description Runes Item Cost
Purification Purification
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Level 105
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Alt. Magic
Converts 1,000 Rune Essence to 600 Pure Essence. 12Soul Rune 1,000 Rune Essence
1 Runestone
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Superheat V
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Level 110

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Alt. Magic
Create 5 x bars using 1 x required ores, ignoring all Coal Requirements. 16Air Rune16Earth Rune16Fire Rune10Soul Rune
8Infernal Rune10Soul Rune
Holy Invocation III Holy Invocation III
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Level 112
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Alt. Magic
Enchants 1 x Large Urn which can then be buried for 1,500 Prayer Points 20Soul Rune 1 Large Urn
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Item Alchemy IV
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Level 118
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Alt. Magic
Convert selected item into GP worth 250% of the item's base sale price. 15Soul Rune24Air Rune24Earth Rune24Fire Rune
15Soul Rune12Infernal Rune
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Level 115

Ethereal Staff Equipped
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You create ghostly tendrils that lash out at the enemy dealing damage equal to 100% of your max hit 4 times over 1.8s. On a hit, has a 30% chance to apply stun for 1 turn. Avoidable. 20Soul Rune5Archaic Rune5Calamity Rune
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Charged IV
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Level 110

Book of the Ancients Equipped
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+100 Minimum Hit 8Fire Rune5Light Rune8Soul Rune
Torment Torment
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Level 110

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Cursed Forest
50 times
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Enemies are inflicted with:
+10% more Damage taken
-25% Global Evasion
6Decay Rune7Despair Rune3Soul Rune
Despair Despair
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Level 115

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Cursed Forest
100 times
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Enemies are inflicted with:
+3% of remaining Hitpoints taken as damage on a successful attack (once per turn, capped at 10K damage)
+12% more Damage taken
8Despair Rune8Soul Rune


Task Requirements Rewards
Throne of the Herald 250,000 Poison Rune
250,000 Lightning Rune
500,000 Infernal Rune
500,000 Soul Rune