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  • 13:20, 7 March 2025Spiked Shell (hist | edit) ‎[152 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Disam}} {{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} '''Spiked Shell''' may refer to: ==Equipment== *{{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Ring}} *{{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Gloves}}") originally created as "Spiked shell"
  • 22:40, 23 January 2025Slayer Chest (hist | edit) ‎[1,417 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} {{EquipmentTableFromList |includeModifiers=false |Slayer Platebody (Basic) |Slayer Platebody (Strong) |Slayer Platebody (Elite) |Slayer Platebody (Master) |Slayer Platebody (Legendary) |Slayer Platebody (Mythical) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Woeful) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Decayer) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Fearful) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Ruiner) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Isolator) |Abyssal Slayer Platebody (Dissolver) |Abyssal Slay...")
  • 17:27, 17 January 2025Stronghold of the Overlords/Guide/Sims (hist | edit) ‎[74,443 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SimsText}} = Standard = {{SpoilerBox|color=default|title=Standard|text=ewogInZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4xLjIwIiwKICJhc3Ryb2xvZ3lNb2RpZmllcnMiOiB7CiAgImRhdGFUeXBlIjogIk1hcCIsCiAgInZhbHVlIjogWwogICBbCiAgICAibWVsdm9yRjpEZWVkcmVlIiwKICAgIHsKICAgICAic3RhbmRhcmRNb2RzQm91Z2h0IjogWwogICAgICAwLAogICAgICAwLAogICAgICAwCiAgICAgXSwKICAgICAidW5pcXVlTW9kc0JvdWdodCI6IFsKICAgICAgMCwKICAgICAgMCwKICAgICAgMAogICAgIF0sCiAgICAgImFieXNzYWxNb2RzQm91Z2h0IjogW10KICAgIH0KICAgXSwKICAgWwogICAgIm1lbHZvckY6...")
  • 17:04, 17 January 2025Stronghold of the Overlords/Guide (hist | edit) ‎[3,355 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Standard = == Gear == This setup gets around 2.75 kph * Food: {{ItemIcon|Void Ray Cream Stew (Perfect)}} * Spell: {{SpellIcon|Black Hole}} * Curse: {{SpellIcon|Anguish III}} * Aurora: {{SpellIcon|Crystallization}} * Prayers: {{PrayerIcon|Unrelenting}} & {{PrayerIcon|Evisceration}} * Potion: {{ItemIcon|Shadeveil Potion IV}} * Point of Interest: {{POIIcon|The Academia Arcanum}} {{Equipment/Recommended |helm1 = Abyssal Slayer Wizard Hat (Resolver) |body1 = Abyssal Sla...")
  • 00:18, 16 January 2025Rune Essence/Guide (hist | edit) ‎[10,716 bytes]Slash (talk | contribs) (Created Guide)
  • 16:12, 9 January 2025Money Making/Thieving with Leprechaun + Monkey Synergy (hist | edit) ‎[13,903 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This guide will cover all recommended levels of thieving with {{Synergy|Leprechaun|Monkey}}. = Base Requirements = * {{SkillReq|Crafting|10}} * {{SkillReq|Summoning|55}} * {{Skill|Hitpoints}} ** {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|51}} with {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier I}} ** {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|34}} with {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier II}} ** {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|26}} with {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III}} * {{ItemIcon|Leprechaun}} Mark Level 4 * {{ItemIcon|Monkey}} Mark Level...")
  • 17:31, 31 December 2024Gauntlet (hist | edit) ‎[284 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Disam}} {{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} '''Gauntlet''' may refer to: == Equipment == * {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Gauntlets of Rage}} * {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Vorloran Devastator Gauntlets}} * {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Vorloran Watcher Gauntlets}} * {{TotH}} {{ItemIcon|Vorloran Protector Gauntlets}}")
  • 17:31, 31 December 2024Cake (hist | edit) ‎[1,007 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Disam}} {{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} '''Cake''' may refer to: == Items == * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Cake Base}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Birthday Cake Piece #1}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Birthday Cake Piece #2}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Birthday Cake Piece #3}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Birthday Cake Piece #4}} == Food == * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Birthday Cake}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Strawberry Cupcake}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Cherry Cupcake}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Straw...")
  • 20:35, 24 December 2024Barrier Bleed (hist | edit) ‎[681 bytes]Auron956 (talk | contribs) (New combat effect page)
  • 01:31, 24 December 2024Burned (hist | edit) ‎[756 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Disam}} {{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} '''Burnt''' may refer to: == Items == * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Shrimp}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Sardine}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Herring}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Trout}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Salmon}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Lobster}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Swordfish}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Crab}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Shark}} * {{Melvor}} {{ItemIcon|Burnt Cave Fish}} *...")
  • 01:26, 24 December 2024(B) (hist | edit) ‎[5,020 bytes]Ayarez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Disam}} {{UserContentVersion|1.3.1}} '''(B)''' may refer to: == Equipment == * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Bronze Helmet}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Bronze Platelegs}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Bronze Platebody}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Iron Helmet}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Iron Platelegs}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Iron Platebody}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Steel Helmet}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Steel Platelegs}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemIcon|(B) Steel Platebody}} * {{AoD}} {{ItemI...") originally created as "(b)"