Combat Guide: Difference between revisions

From Melvor Idle
(→‎Reduced DR Method: Amend equipment suggestion to fully negate the Dark Waters area effect, otherwise this is unsafe)
m (updated leveling thing for ranged, moved all relevant info there)
(114 intermediate revisions by 19 users not shown)
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This guide is written for characters playing the [[Game_Mode#Standard|Standard]] game mode. If playing {{Icon|Hardcore}} or {{Icon|Adventure}} modes, preparation for certain events is different, especially for the {{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon}}.
This guide is written for characters playing the [[Game Mode#Standard|Standard]] game mode. If playing {{Icon|Hardcore}} or {{Icon|Adventure}} modes, preparation for certain events is different, especially for the {{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon}} due to the differences in the [[Combat Triangle]]. This guide will assume there are no self-imposed restrictions put upon the account, if you choose to restrict your character in some way, you have to figure out how to get around it.

The guide starts with an overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. After that, it describes in detail the leveling before the first challenging dungeon of the game, the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}. It goes over the god dungeons and concludes with the guidance for endgame content.
Progression in Melvor Idle primarily revolves around combat; while there is of course progression in all of the non-combat skills, that progression all serves to make you better at combat. This guide will break the game into multiple sections and try to give advice for each. The sections this guide will look into, and roughly how long they will take are as follows:
* The Early-Early Game:
** This is when the player is using very low level gear, has not purchased or obtained vital upgrades like {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} or the {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} and may require active (or more active) play to get through safely and efficiently. Can take a few days up to about a week.
* The Early Game:
** Where most of the game opens up and when combat gets exciting. The player has obtained reasonable gear, is able to fight the majority of monsters in Combat Areas and the first few Slayer Areas comfortably, and is starting to prepare to get more specialized gear from combat to progress. This section can take anywhere up to about a month or two, and is marked by the completion of {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave|}}.
* The Mid Game:
** This section revolves around finishing your armor sets, maxing out your stats, and completing long term achievements like the God Dungeons. This section can take up to several months, and is usually marked by completion of {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}.
* The Late Game:
** This is when the player is working on upgrading their weapons in the {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} Area, upgrading their armor in the {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} Area, and fully preparing to defeat the {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}}. This step contains long grinds, but if enough preparation has already been done, it should only take a few weeks at most.
* The Late-Late Game:
** Here the player finishes any achievements that haven't been mopped up yet, with the goal of filling the completion log with anything that hasn't been worth the time. This step's length is variable, as it depends on how much has already been completed, and how optimal/lucky the player is finishing up. Prepare to spend multiple days hunting for an item you'll never actually use!

The guide will start with an overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. After that, it describes in detail the leveling up to the first challenging dungeon of the game, the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}. It will cover the God Dungeons and conclude with guidance for late game content. Remember that the majority of things mentioned here are ''recommendations'' and are not always required or the most optimal; if you don't want to do something, you probably don't have to.
==Using Non-Combat to improve at Combat==
There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of the combat experience:
There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of the combat experience:

* {{Skill|Agility}} - Many of the obstacles provide combat bonuses.
* {{Skill|Agility}} - Many of the obstacles provide important combat bonuses.
* {{Skill|Herblore}} - {{Icon|Diamond Luck Potion|Diamond Luck Potions}} are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
* {{Skill|Herblore}} - {{Icon|Diamond Luck Potion|Diamond Luck Potions}} are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
* {{Skill|Thieving}} - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}, {{ItemIcon|Knight's Defender}}, and others.
* {{Skill|Thieving}} - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}, {{ItemIcon|Knight's Defender}}, and others.
* {{Skill|Astrology}} - "Hidden levels" provide accuracy bonuses, as well as other easy to acquire boosts.
* {{Skill|Astrology}} - Many powerful and important passive benefits, including [[#Hidden Skill Levels|Hidden Skill Levels]], which provide further combat bonuses.
* {{Skill|Summoning}} - Tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and do damage. The {{ItemIcon|Dragon}} burn effect is great against hard-to-hit enemies.
* {{Skill|Summoning}} - Tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and deal damage on their own. The {{ItemIcon|Dragon}} burn effect is particularly great against high hp enemies.
* {{Skill|Cooking}} - Cook food to eat so you don't die!
* {{Skill|Farming}} - Farm food to eat so you don't die! Farming is particularly useful because it does not require you to actively spend time on it, you can farm food 'while doing combat' for example.

Other skills helpful for smooth progression include:
Other skills helpful for smooth progression include:

* {{Skill|Fletching}} for {{Skill|Ranged}} arrows.
* {{Skill|Smithing}} - {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} armor and weapons.
* {{Skill|Smithing}} for {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} armor and weapons.
* {{Skill|Fletching}} - {{Skill|Ranged}} ammunition and weapons.
* {{Skill|Crafting}} for jewelry and {{Skill|Ranged}} armor.
* {{Skill|Crafting}} - Jewelry with unique effects and {{Skill|Ranged}} armor.
* {{SkillReq|Firemaking|99}} for the {{ItemIcon|Firemaking Skillcape}}
* {{Skill|Runecrafting}} - {{Skill|Magic}} armor and weapons.
* {{Skill|Fishing}}/{{Skill|Farming}}/{{Skill|Cooking}} for healing.
* {{SkillReq|Firemaking|99}} - The {{ItemIcon|Firemaking Skillcape}} grants a boost to XP earned and {{ItemIcon|Ash}}, which can be buried for {{Skill|Prayer}} Points
* {{Skill|Township}} - The Trader can be used to exchange goods for food and consumable items that make combat easier.
* {{Skill|Township}} - Township also has many Tasks available that grant rewards to players for achieving certain accomplishments or having certain items, using these is a great way to find something to do if you're unsure.

Melvor Idle in general is not competitive, so it is recommended to set a goal and work towards it. Things like {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}} are highly satisfying to finish. Clearing God Dungeons also greatly assists the core game skills, so {{UpgradeIcon|Master of Nature}} may be a goal.
Melvor Idle is not competitive, so it is recommended to set goals that you personally want and work towards them. The game will take a very long time to complete, so anything you can do to make it more fun for YOU is hugely recommended; using a weapon that you personally think is cool or useful, or not using an item because the grind isn't fun is perfectly acceptable and makes the game more interesting!

==Gear Stats==
All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles: {{Skill|Attack|Melee}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, or {{Skill|Magic}}. Gear that is more difficult to obtain is ''usually'' better. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational. For stat breakdowns and math, use the [[Combat Simulator]] or read the {{Icon|Combat}} page.
All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles: {{Skill|Attack|Melee}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, or {{Skill|Magic}}. Gear that is more difficult to obtain is ''usually'' better. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational.  
''For stat breakdowns and math, use the [[Combat Simulator]] or read the {{Icon|Combat}} page.''

===Shared Stats===
===Shared Stats===
====Attack Speed====
====Attack Interval====
''Attack Speed'', or AS, is determined mainly by the attack speed on weapons. It is given as seconds per attack, so lower is better. Some things that affect attack speed are:
{{Main|Reference=Attack Interval}}
[[Attack Interval]] is determined primarily by the default Attack Interval on weapons and affects how long it takes between attacks. It is given as seconds per attack, so a lower number is better. A variety of things, such as [[Equipment]], [[Pets]], [[Spells]], and {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}} can provide a reduction to the player's attack interval.

* {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} - Drop from {{Icon|Elder Vampire|type=monster}}
A complete listing of things that effect the player's attack interval is provided on the [[Attack Interval]] page.
* {{ItemIcon|Sand Treaders}} - Drop from {{Icon|Turkul Riders|type=monster}}
* {{Icon|Surge I|type=aurora}} / {{Icon|Surge II|type=aurora}} / {{Icon|Surge III|type=aurora}} - Spells
* {{PetIcon|Otto}} - Pet from {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}
* {{ItemIcon|Knight's Defender}} - {{Skill|Thieving}} from {{Icon|Knight|type=thieving}}, melee only
* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Barrage}} - {{SkillReq|Crafting|90}} ring
* {{ItemIcon|Guardian Amulet}} and {{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Ring}} - Negatively impacts attack speed
** Guardian Amulet - Drops from {{ItemIcon|Earth Chest|Earth Chests}} upgraded from {{ItemIcon|Earth Shard|Earth Shards}}, {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon}}
** Spiked Shell Ring - Upgrade from {{ItemIcon|Guardian Ring|Guardian Rings|qty=10}} and {{ItemIcon|Stinging Essence|qty=500}}
* Slowing Debuffs

====Damage Reduction====
====Damage Reduction====
''Damage Reduction'', or DR, is an extremely powerful stat. Damage Reduction, {{Skill|Hitpoints}}, and {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier I|Auto Eat}} tier are all taken into account when considering how much damage the player can take. Damage Reduction can be found on:
{{Main|Reference=Damage Reduction}}

* {{ItemIcon|(G) Dragon Helmet|notext=true}} - All gold-trimmed armor pieces
''Damage Reduction'', or DR, is the most important stat in the game. Damage Reduction, {{Skill|Hitpoints}}, and {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier I|Auto Eat}} tier are all taken into account when considering how much damage the player can take before being able to [[Death|die]]. Damage Reduction can be found on:
* {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Helmet|notext=true}} - All Ancient tier gear, trimmed to max
* {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Helmet|notext=true}} - All god dungeon gear
* {{ItemIcon|(G) Dragon Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|(U) Black D-hide Body|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Air Expert Wizard Robes|notext=true}}- Upgraded versions of the highest level armor pieces from skilling.
* {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Platebody|notext=true}} - All Ancient tier gear, when fully upgraded
* {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Platebody|notext=true}} - All God Dungeon gear
* {{ItemIcon|Silver Diamond Ring}} - Can be obtained through {{Skill|Crafting}}, {{Icon|Combat}}, or {{Skill|Thieving}}
* {{ItemIcon|Silver Diamond Ring}} - Can be obtained through {{Skill|Crafting}}, {{Icon|Combat}}, or {{Skill|Thieving}}
* {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV|Damage Reduction Potions}}
* {{Icon|Damage Reduction Potion|Damage Reduction Potions}}
* {{PetIcon|Leonardo}} - {{Skill|Defence}} Pet
* {{PetIcon|Leonardo}} - {{Skill|Defence}} Pet
* {{PetIcon|Erran}} - {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon}} Pet
* {{PetIcon|Erran}} - {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon}} Pet
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles
* {{PrayerIcon|Safeguard}}/{{PrayerIcon|Stone Skin}} - {{Skill|Prayer}}
* {{PrayerIcon|Safeguard}}/{{PrayerIcon|Stone Skin}} - {{Skill|Prayer}}
* {{ItemIcon|Absorbing Shield}} - Gain DR at the cost of Evasion

For the end game, there are some {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}} and items that drop from {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event|Impending Darkness}} that affect enemies' DR:
For the end game, there are some {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}} and items that drop from {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event|Impending Darkness}} that affect enemies' DR:
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====Auto Eat====
====Auto Eat====
''{{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier I|Auto Eat}}'' is an upgrade that automatically eats equipped food after a certain health threshold. '''Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical.''' Auto Eat Tier, along with {{Skill|Hitpoints}} and Damage Reduction controls the vast majority of accessible content. Dungeons can be done earlier with {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III}}.
{{Main|Reference=Auto Eat}}
''{{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier I|Auto Eat}}'' is an upgrade that automatically eats equipped food after a certain health threshold. '''Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical.''' Auto Eat Tier, along with {{Skill|Hitpoints}} and Damage Reduction controls what content is accessible without a chance of death.  

With {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III|Auto Eat}}, the type of food does not matter as long as one does not run out of it. The difference between {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}} or {{ItemIcon|Whale (Perfect)}} is negligible. The main difference is the time spent {{Skill|Cooking}} or {{Skill|Farming}} instead of fighting monsters.
With {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III|Auto Eat}}, the type of food does not matter as long as one does not run out of it. Eating either {{ItemIcon|Potatoes}} or {{ItemIcon|Whale (Perfect)}} will both keep the player alive as long as they have enough of either. The main difference between any given food sources is the time spent {{Skill|Cooking}}, {{Skill|Fishing}} or {{Skill|Farming}} instead of fighting monsters.

=====Auto Eat Threshold=====
=====Auto Eat Threshold=====
''Auto Eat Threshold'' reduces the effective HP necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. Currently, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:
''Auto Eat Threshold'' is the HP value necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. In the base game, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:

* {{ItemIcon|Wasteful Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Wicked Greater Dragon|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Wasteful Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Wicked Greater Dragon|type=monster}}

=====Auto Eat Efficiency=====
=====Auto Eat Efficiency=====
{{Main|Reference=Auto Eat Efficiency}}
''Auto Eat Efficiency'' increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:
''Auto Eat Efficiency'' increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:
* {{Skill|Cooking}} item [[mastery]].
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation modifiers.
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles.
* {{Icon|Famished Potion|Famished Potions}}.

* {{Skill|Cooking}} item mastery
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation modifiers
* {{Skill|Agility}} Obstacles
* {{ItemIcon|Famished Potion IV|Famished Potions}}

====Slayer Area Effect Negation====
====Slayer Area Effect Negation====
{{Main|Reference=Area Effect Negation}}
''Slayer Area Effect Negation'' reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying ({{ZoneIcon|Forest of Goo}}, {{ZoneIcon|Arid Plains}}) to downright progress blocking ({{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}). This stat can be found on:
''Slayer Area Effect Negation'' reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying ({{ZoneIcon|Forest of Goo}}, {{ZoneIcon|Arid Plains}}) to downright progress blocking ({{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}). This stat can be found on:
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Hunting Greater Dragon|type=monster}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|notext=true}} - All {{Skill|Slayer}} armor from the shop (higher tier provides more).
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
* {{AoD}} {{POIIcon|Perilous Peaks}} Point of Interest in {{Skill|Cartography}}
====Attack Bonus/Accuracy Rating====
These are included on all weapons, and some pieces of armor. {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} has {{Skill|Attack|Stab}}, {{Skill|Strength|Slash}}, and {{Skill|Defence|Block}} Bonuses, while {{Skill|Ranged}} and {{Skill|Magic}} have their own attack bonuses. In combat the player's [[Accuracy Rating]] determines how often they hit an enemy, based on the enemy's Evasion Rating. {{Skill|Summoning}} Tablets use the player's accuracy rating to calculate their chance to hit.

* Pillar of Combat - {{Skill|Agility}} capstone
====Defence/Evasion Rating====
* {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Hunting Greater Dragon|type=monster}}
These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the [[Combat Triangle]]. The higher the number, the better. Evasion only helps to kill enemies faster if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|notext=true}} - All {{Skill|Slayer}} armor from the shop (higher tier provides more)
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
====Hidden Skill Levels====
The main [[Combat]] page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. In summary, levels in {{Skill|Attack}}, {{Skill|Strength}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, {{Skill|Magic}} and {{Skill|Defence}} increase your stats based on different equations, but only up to the level cap (99 for the base game, and 120 with {{TotH}}).
Hidden Levels in any of these stats force these equations to use the player's base skill level (the one shown on the sidebar, equal to the amount of XP earned) AND the player's hidden levels, making the player more powerful than their stats would otherwise indicate. Additionally, hidden levels allow the formulas to calculate stats beyond the level cap.
* A character that is level 15 Strength with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 20
* A character that is level 99 with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 104, even when their level is capped and can't go any higher.
====Reflect Damage====
With this effect, whenever the player takes damage, they will also deal a portion of that damage immediately back to the enemy. Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again.
This effect can be found on:
* {{ItemIcon|Gold Sapphire Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Recoil Shield}}
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation {{ConstellationIcon|Tellus}}.
====Monster Respawn Time====
{{Main|Reference=Monster Respawn Timer}}
{{:Monster Respawn Timer}}

====Armor/Evasion Rating====
This timer can be reduced with the following effects:
These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the [[Combat Triangle]]. The higher the number, the better. It helps to kill enemies faster only if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often.
* {{AgilityIcon|Lava Jump}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Dragon Fight}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Hunters Hat}}

===Class-related Stats===
===Class-related Stats===
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{{Skill|Attack|Melee}} gear focuses on 4 stats:
{{Skill|Attack|Melee}} gear focuses on 4 stats:

* {{Skill|Strength}} bonus: One of the factors that determines max hit
* {{Skill|Strength}} bonus: One of the factors that determines max hit.
* Stab/Slash/Block bonus: Determines the accuracy (chance to hit) of that particular attack style. Every weapon favors one of the styles, and using the correct one will boost your effective DPS.
* Stab/Slash/Block bonus: Determines the accuracy (chance to hit) of that particular attack style. Each melee weapon has stats that favor one of the styles, and using the correct one will boost the player's accuracy substantially.

====Magic Stats====
====Magic Stats====
{{Skill|Magic}} armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:
{{Skill|Magic}} armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

* Magic Damage Bonus: Determines your max hit
* Magic Damage Bonus: Determines max hit.
* Magic Attack bonus: Determines your accuracy
* Magic Attack Bonus: Determines accuracy.
Additionally, {{Skill|Magic}} also benefits from Rune Preservation Chance and Rune Cost Reduction. These can be found on:

Additionally, {{Skill|Magic}} also benefits from Rune Preservation Chance and Rune Cost Reduction. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:
* {{ItemIcon|Mystic Air Staff|notext=true}} - All staves
* {{ItemIcon|Mystic Air Staff|notext=true}} - All staves
* {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand|notext=true}} - All imbued wands, crafted via {{Skill|Runecrafting}} from {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}}
* {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand|notext=true}} - All imbued wands, crafted via {{Skill|Runecrafting}} from {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}}
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{{Skill|Ranged}} armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:
{{Skill|Ranged}} armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

* Ranged strength bonus: Determines your max hit
* Ranged strength bonus: Determines your max hit.
* Ranged attack bonus: Determines your accuracy
* Ranged attack bonus: Determines your accuracy.
Additionally, {{Skill|Ranged}} gear also benefits from Ammo Preservation. This can be found on:

Additionally, {{Skill|Ranged}} gear also benefits from Ammo Preservation. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:
* {{ItemIcon|Ranger Boots}} - Drops from {{ItemIcon|Spider Chest}} in {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ranger Boots}} - Drops from {{ItemIcon|Spider Chest}} in {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ranger Hat}} - Drops from {{ItemIcon|Spider Chest}} in {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ranger Hat}} - Drops from {{ItemIcon|Spider Chest}} in {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}
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* {{ItemIcon|Throwing Power Gloves}} - Negatively impacts ranged preservation using throwing weapons
* {{ItemIcon|Throwing Power Gloves}} - Negatively impacts ranged preservation using throwing weapons

===Special Attacks and Loot Passives===
===Minimum Hit and Special Attacks===
Beyond stats, many pieces of equipment have Special Attacks or passive effects.
Each normal attack made by the player or an enemy will deal a random amount of damage between its minimum value and its maximum value, for all monsters, and for players without any bonuses, the Minimum Hit is 1.

Special Attacks have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the [[Special Attacks]] page.
Increasing the minimum hit is possible with buffs such as:
* {{ItemIcon|Air Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Water Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Earth Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Fire Acolyte Wizard Hat|notext=true}} all {{Skill|Runecrafting}} armor.
* {{SpellIcon|Charged I}}
* {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
* {{Skill|Astrology}} constellation {{ConstellationIcon|Iridan}}.

Loot Passive effects are bonuses that are always in play. These will increase your GP/hr as well as provide more loot to speed up many of the long grinds in the game. Item doubling is the most critical. These can be found on:
Special Attacks are typically found on weapons have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. If the player has multiple items that grant a special attack, and the combined total adds to greater than 100%, the game will attempt to normalize the chance of using either attack. For example, if the player is wearing both an {{ItemIcon|Ancient Sword}} and a {{ItemIcon|Ring of Blade Echoes}}, the player will have a 50% chance of using Life Leach, and a 50% chance of using Blade Echoes. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the [[Special Attacks]] page.
===Passive Effects===
Beyond just stats, many pieces of equipment have passive effects that increase stats that don't directly make the player better in combat.
Passive effects are bonuses that are always in play. These can increase damage dealt, {{GP}} GP earned or simply provide more item drops. Item doubling is incredibly powerful as it increases the amount of items received independently of damage dealt or respawn time. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:

* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Wealth}} - 7% Item doubling while in Combat, which is 2% greater than the same bonus provided by {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Wealth}} - 7% Item doubling while in Combat, which is 2% greater than the same bonus provided by {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}} - Made with parts A/B, collected from doing combat/non-combat skills while wearing a {{ItemIcon|Gold Topaz Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}} - Made with parts A/B, collected from doing combat/non-combat skills while wearing a {{ItemIcon|Gold Topaz Ring}}
* {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}} - Rare {{Skill|Thieving}} Drop
* {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}} - Rare {{Skill|Thieving}} Drop
* Pillar of Generosity - {{Skill|Agility}} capstone
* {{AgilityIcon|Spike Jump}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Ice Jump}}
* {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Skilling}}

GP increases can be found on:
GP increases can be found on:
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Two popular external tools are the Combat Simulator and Can I Idle.
Two popular external tools are the Combat Simulator and Can I Idle.

[[Combat Simulator]] is a browser extension maintained by TinyCoyote that allows you to estimate many attributes of combat, such as death rate, XP/hr, drops/hr, DPS, and so on. With Combat Simulator, it is trivial to check if your setup is going to work or not. It uses the same webworker as the game itself, so it's quite accurate.
[[Combat Simulator]] is a Mod that allows you to estimate many attributes of combat, such as death rate, XP/hr, drops/hr, DPS, and so on. With Combat Simulator, it is trivial to check if your setup is going to work or not. It simulates combat at high speeds using the games own code, so it's quite accurate. <!--As of game version v1.1.1 this mod has not yet been updated to work with the new built in mod manager and is currently not available.-->
[ Can I Idle] is a site built by zxv. You enter some of the stats found on the combat page and see which enemies you can or can't idle. It's a very useful tool throughout the game. As of v1.1 the site is no longer being updated for anything beyond the base game, however it will still be entirely accurate for players who have not purchased any expansions. It will only be inaccurate for Elite/Master {{Skill|Slayer}} tasks for players who have completed {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} and have purchased the [[Throne of the Herald Expansion]]. It will also not account for whether or not you will take the extra 30% damage while {{EffectIcon|Stun|Stunned}} or {{EffectIcon|Freeze|Frozen}}. These effects can be avoided if you attack faster than the enemy, removing the stun effect before the enemy can hit you. Ultimately this means Can I Idle will report you need higher {{Icon|Damage Reduction}} values than you actually need in some circumstances.
=Base Game Combat=
==The Early-Early Game: Levels 1-40==

[ Can I Idle] is a site built and maintained by Silber. You enter some of the stats found on the combat page and see which enemies you can or can't idle. It's a very useful tool throughout the game.
Early on, the game is primarily about leveling up your core combat stats, getting a feel for the combat systems, and acquiring basic combat equipment.

All three combat styles are connected. It is impossible to use only one style throughout the game if you wish to complete all content. The [[Combat Triangle]] determines how much damage and damage reduction you have against enemies of each different combat style, and is very important in choosing how to approach combat.
If you play actively, you can start with {{Skill|Slayer}} early. If you want to progress in it, unlocking {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}} should be your first goal. You will also level your combat skills along the way.

If you idle, it is okay to leave {{Skill|Slayer}} until you need the bonuses from its gear or drops from its monsters. {{Skill|Slayer}} picks up closer to the time of {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}, and you will be able to catch up quickly with all the gear that you have at that point.  
It is highly recommend to level all styles to not be in the position where you finished are almost ready to take on a dungeon that requires a specific combat style, and then have to level that skill from level 1 for 2 weeks.  

It takes 15 Normal Slayer tasks to buy the {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Basic)|Basic Slayer gear}}. The {{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Strong)}} / {{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Elite)}} / {{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master)}} take 25 Hard Tasks / 30 Elite Tasks / 40 Master Tasks respectively.
===Major Goals===
The earliest for most players is the {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}} upgrade, purchased in the shop for {{GP|1000000}}, followed by the {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}}, found in the {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}, which will make combat a fully automated activity. Beyond that, it's mainly a matter of learning how combat works and leveling up your skills.

Slayer Areas sometimes require items that must be purchased using [[slayer coins]] from the [[Shop]]. One note, the monsters locked in slayer areas will not be rolled in slayer tasks until the item is purchased from the shop. You can leverage this to control the task rolls.
* {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat}}
* {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}}
* {{MonsterIcon|Bandit}},  {{MonsterIcon|Master Wizard}}, {{MonsterIcon|Fierce Devil}}
** These monsters drop useful items and are good targets for gaining experience with {{Skill|Attack|Melee}}, {{Skill|Ranged}}, and {{Skill|Magic}}, as long as you are following the combat triangle, and are the end-point of this section

==Early Game (Pre-Volcanic Cave)==
Before {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}, the game is primarily about leveling up your core combat stats, getting a feel for the combat systems, and acquiring items for non-combat skills. {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} is the first real challenge the game presents to you, and preparing for it will likely take a couple of weeks of grinding for standard accounts. This may be faster nowadays, but it took me about a month from setting my mind to the grind and completing it.
{{Skill|Slayer}} is a skill that mostly revolves around fighting monsters in special areas called Slayer Areas, these areas function similarly to normal Combat Areas such as the {{ZoneIcon|Farmlands}}; however, each {{Skill|Slayer}} Area also has a negative passive modifier that applies to all combat that takes place there. In the early game, there's not much that can be done about Slayer Area Effects, so they can be ignored.

All three combat styles are connected. It is impossible to use only one style throughout the game if you wish to complete all content. Most people start with melee because it is the easiest style in terms of gear.
The other aspect of {{Skill|Slayer}} is [[Slayer#Slayer_Tasks|Slayer Tasks]]: a "bounty" rewarded for killing a number of enemies:
* Selecting the "New Task" button and choosing a difficulty is required to obtain the first task.
* Any other time the "New Task" button is pressed, the window will open again, and the player must pay a fee of {{SC}} Slayer Coins to either re-roll a task of the same difficulty or select a new task of a different difficulty.
** the Easy difficulty has a re-roll cost of {{SC|0}} and can be re-rolled infinitely in order to choose a specific monster, if desired.
* The player will be given a quota of a random enemy available in that difficulty level.
** The "Extend Task" button will charge another fee of {{SC}} SC and add a amount of monsters to the current task. Including the fee, completing an extended task will always provide more slayer coins in total than if the task was not extended.
* Any time the player kills one of these monsters, they will be awarded {{SC}} SC.  
* Any task that is completed will automatically end and be replaced with a different task of the same difficulty, combat will continue with the current monster and the player will stop earning {{SC}} SC.
* {{Skill|Slayer}} XP is earned by fighting Slayer Tasks or by killing enemies in Slayer areas, these amounts stack, so a greater amount of XP is earned by doing Slayer Tasks in Slayer Areas.

It is highly recommend to level all styles to not be in the position where you finished {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} and then have to level your {{Skill|Ranged}} from level 1 for 2 weeks.  
It is recommended to start with {{Skill|Slayer}} Tasks as early as possible, working towards unlocking {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}} as the primary goal. Be aware that this can take some time as the enemies the player is able to kill at this stage will not drop very many {{SC}} SC.
* The least amount of effort to do this would be to simply re-roll until the monster the player is currently fighting is the current slayer task, and then extending that task to make it last as long as possible.
* Using Slayer Tasks as often as possible can be a great way to level multiple skills at once.
* Slayer Tasks can also encourage the player to fight targets they normally wouldn't simply for the rewards.
* '''In the early-early game, stick with Easy difficulty tasks due to their free re-rolls'''
* The least amount of effort that can be put into Slayer is re-rolling as many times as it takes until the monster the player is fighting becomes the task.
** This is especially useful against {{MonsterIcon|Plant}}, {{MonsterIcon|Cow}}, and {{MonsterIcon|Chicken}} and other very low level monsters.
Quick and accessible guides for the first 8 [[Dungeons]] can be found [[Guides#Dungeon_Guides|at this link]], for reference, they will also be linked here. These dungeons are placed in a different order than they are found in game, this is because they are sorted by the Maximum Hit of the bosses, the following is the easiest way to progess through the dungeons even if combat levels are lacking.:
* {{ZoneIcon|Chicken Coop}}: [[Chicken Coop/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Undead Graveyard}}: [[Undead Graveyard/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}: [[Spider Forest/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Frozen Cove}}: [[Frozen Cove/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Bandit Base}}: [[Bandit Base/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}}: [[Deep Sea Ship/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}}: [[Hall of Wizards/Guide]]
* {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}}: [[Miolite Caves/Guide]]

===Leveling Guidelines===
===Leveling Guidelines===
The leveling guidelines below assume that your character is using an appropriate Auto Eat level and won't run out of food. Auto Eat tiers are listed out when buying the next tier would allow you to clear a dungeon you otherwise couldn't.
As the player is just being introduced to combat, this section will try to be as simple as possible, while also setting some guidelines for the rest of the guide. The tables in each section in this entire guide will generally provide bare minimum recommendations. Some notes on how to use the information given:
* The player must have an appropriate [[Auto Eat]] level and won't run out of food.
* The player has enough [[Damage Reduction]] to survive against enemies when [[Auto Eat]] is not enough by itself.
* Armor should be upgraded from the Bank screen whenever possible.
** For {{Skill|Defence|Melee}} armor, any armor except for {{ItemIcon|Dragon Gloves|Gloves}} can be upgraded.
** For {{Skill|Ranged}} armor, this first becomes possible with {{ItemIcon|Green D-hide Body|Green D-hide}} and up.
For the first section, the player will likely not have any cape, amulet, rings, {{Skill|Prayer}}, {{Skill|Herblore|Potions}}, {{Skill|Astrology}} bonuses, or {{Skill|Agility}} obstacles. With proper bonuses, the player can attempt much more difficult content and make progress a lot faster. Some notes on the first section:
* All assumed skill levels are equal to the ones required by the set of gear.
* When choosing a proper monster to farm, it is recommended to follow a priority rule:
# Drops something that useful.
# Is the current Slayer Task.
# Highest XP/hr.
Hitting the same enemy for 2 weeks because they are the "best" is a really boring way to play the game.
And finally, using Combat Simulator and Can I Idle in the [[#External_Tooling|External Tooling]] section should be your guide over anything printed here. This guide accepts no responsibility for untimely deaths.

The assumed gear is at absolute bare minimum: full armor of the selected tier, base scimitar and shield, no cape, amulet, rings, prayers, potions, astrology stars, or agility obstacles. With all unaccounted bonuses, you often can go higher than what is given in the guide.

All assumed skill levels are equal to the ones required by the set of gear.
A detailed guide on Leveling Melee can be found [[Attack/Training|here]]

Each combat style has a subsection that lists out all of the best XP/hr monsters and idleable dungeons at this gear breakpoint.

The monster levels are listed where possible. It should roughly guide you on what item to work towards next.
A detailed guide on Leveling Magic can be found [[Magic/Training|here]]

For choosing a proper mob to farm, it is recommended to follow a priority rule:
# Mob that drops what you want,
# Slayer Tasks,
# Highest Combat XP/hr.

Hitting Frozen Archers for 2 weeks is a really boring way to play the game.
A detailed guide on Leveling Magic can be found [[Ranged/Training|here]]

And finally, using [[Combat Simulator]] and [ Can I Idle] should be your guide over anything printed here. This guide accepts no responsibility for your untimely demise.

===Gear Goals===
==The Early Game: Levels 41-75==
An early goal for most players is the {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}}, found in the {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}}, which will make combat a fully automated activity. Beyond that, it's mainly a matter of learning how combat works and leveling up your skills. Please note that the following items are not mandatory, but they help in progression:
{{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} (and {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}} to a lesser extent) is the first real challenge the game presents to you, and preparing for it will likely take a couple of weeks of grinding for standard accounts.

* {{ItemIcon|Sand Treaders}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Riders|type=monster}} (lv. 56)
This is where the [[Combat Triangle]] becomes extra important, and ignoring it entirely can be deadly or progress hampering.
* {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence}} - Drops from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Defence}} or from {{ZoneIcon|Undead Graveyard}}. Provides the defence bonus and 2% DR. Aside from being generally good, it's the amulet that will help you to reduce the food expenditure when fighting as Magic versus Melee. For the optimal way to get it, refer to the [[FEZ/Guide]]. Check with the [[Combat Simulator]] to be sure.
* {{ItemIcon|Desert Wrappings}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Archers|type=monster}} (lv. 80)
* {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Looting}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}} (lv. 158)

===Major Goals===
The primary goal of this section is to replace all equipment and weapons obtained from non-combat skills with upgrades obtained from combat. Do note that all {{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Body|notext=true}} {{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Robes|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Platebody|Ancient Armor}} is technically skippable, it will be replaced quite quickly with the armor from the God Dungeons, especially if these are done as early as possible. They are left in the guide as it is very common for players to get them anyways, and they can make progression a lot smoother.
For melee, your goal is to wear and wield the highest level gear available to you. I have replicated the tables here, abbreviated for the point where you're going to need to start clearing the higher-level dungeons.  
* [[Auto Slayer]]
* {{MonsterIcon|Paladin}} and {{MonsterIcon|Sand Beast}} - {{ItemIcon|Paladin Gloves}} and {{ItemIcon|Sandstorm Ring}}, fantastic upgrades for {{Skill|Melee}}.
* {{MonsterIcon|Thief}} - Drops the {{ItemIcon|Gloves of Silence}}, BIS gloves for {{Skill|Thieving}} and useful for turning combat into a decent amount of {{GP}}.
* {{MonsterIcon|Seething Horned Elite}} - Fantastic {{Skill|Ranged}} experience farm, and {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Fury}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Platebody}} from the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Body}} from the {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Robes}} from the {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Sunset Rapier}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}} - Drops from monsters in the {{ZoneIcon|Desolate Plains}}. Ranged weapon that is exceptionally good when training {{Skill|Slayer}} and great for training {{Skill|Ranged}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Crossbow}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}}. Ranged weapon that is good for doing Dungeons.
====Equipment Options====

* {{ItemIcon|Sand Treaders}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Riders|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence}} - Drops from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Defence}} or from {{ZoneIcon|Undead Graveyard}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Torture}} or {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Glory}} - Drops from {{Icon|Fierce Devil|type=monster}} or from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Glory}} - Offensive version of Elite Defence for Melee.
* {{ItemIcon|Gloves of Silence}} - Drops from {{Icon|Thief|type=monster}} - can be decent for earning some extra GP from kills.
* {{ItemIcon|Paladin Gloves}} - Drops from {{Icon|Paladin|type=monster}} - big block of DR from a relatively easy monster.
* {{ItemIcon|Desert Wrappings}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Archers|type=monster}} - less DR than the {{ItemIcon|Paladin Gloves}}, but more well rounded stats.
* {{ItemIcon|Priest Hat}} - Drops from {{Icon|Priest|type=monster}}.

{| class="wikitable"
Many of the important items for this stage of the game are found from monsters in {{Skill|Slayer}} Areas, so it is helpful to have decently high level Slayer before going too far.
! Level Requirement
! {{Skill|Attack}} Material
! {{Skill|Defence}} Material
! Best XP Monster
! Newly Idleable Dungeons
| rowspan="3" | 1
| {{ItemIcon|Bronze Sword|notext=true}} [ Bronze]
| {{ItemIcon|Bronze Helmet|notext=true}} [ Bronze]
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Iron Sword|notext=true}} [ Iron]
| {{ItemIcon|Iron Helmet|notext=true}} [ Iron]
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| -
| (Using Iron)
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Basic)|notext=true}} [ Slayer (Basic)]
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| -
| 5
| {{ItemIcon|Steel Sword|notext=true}} [ Steel]
| {{ItemIcon|Steel Helmet|notext=true}} [ Steel]
| {{Icon|Skeleton|type=monster}}
| -
| 10
| {{ItemIcon|Black Sword|notext=true}} [ Black]
| {{ItemIcon|Black Helmet|notext=true}} [ Black]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}} (Skip Black Armor, it's hard to gear for)
| {{ZoneIcon|Chicken Coop}} (Requires {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier II}})
| 20
| {{ItemIcon|Mithril Sword|notext=true}} [ Mithril]
| {{ItemIcon|Mithril Helmet|notext=true}} [ Mithril]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| -
| rowspan="2" | 30
| {{ItemIcon|Adamant Sword|notext=true}} [ Adamant]
| {{ItemIcon|Adamant Helmet|notext=true}} [ Adamant]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Undead Graveyard}}
| (Using Adamant)
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Strong)|notext=true}} [ Slayer (Strong)]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| -
| rowspan="3" | 40
| {{ItemIcon|Ice Sword|notext=true}} [ Ice]
| {{ItemIcon|Ice Helmet|notext=true}} [ Ice]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}} / {{ZoneIcon|Frozen Cove}} / {{ZoneIcon|Bandit Base}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Sword|notext=true}} [ Rune]
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Helmet|notext=true}} [ Rune]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}} (Requires {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III}})
| (Using Rune)
| {{ItemIcon|Miolite Helmet|notext=true}} [ Miolite]
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| -
| rowspan="2" | 50
| {{ItemIcon|Desert Sabre}}
| (Using Rune)
| {{Icon|Bandit|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} / {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}}
| {{ItemIcon|Miolite Sceptre}} (Using {{Icon|Surge II|type=aurora}} & {{Icon|Anguish II|type=curse}})
| (Using Rune)
| {{Icon|Bandit|type=monster}}
| -
| rowspan="2" | 60
| rowspan="2" | {{ItemIcon|Dragon Sword|notext=true}} [ Dragon]
| {{ItemIcon|Dragon Helmet|notext=true}} [ Dragon]
| {{Icon|Bandit|type=monster}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Elite)|notext=true}} [ Slayer (Elite)]
| {{Icon|Vampire|type=monster}}
| -

====Gear Goals====
At this stage the player should be geared enough to be comfortably dealing with Normal difficulty tasks, and moving in to Hard difficulty tasks by the end of this step.
Before Volcanic, you can grind the {{ZoneIcon|Castle of Kings}} area to find most of your upgrades to supplant any gear not gained from {{Skill|smithing}}. You can also get some very good melee weapons in pre-Volcanic Cave areas. Drops to look for:
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Basic)}} - unlocked in the Shop by completing 15 Normal Slayer Tasks
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Strong)}} - unlocked in the Shop by completing 25 Hard Slayer Tasks

* {{ItemIcon|Ice Sword}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Frozen Cove}} (lv. 191)/{{Icon|Ice Monster|type=monster}} (lv. 75)
Slayer Areas sometimes require items that must be purchased using {{SC}} SC from the [[Shop]] such as the {{ItemIcon|Mirror Shield}} and {{ItemIcon|Desert Hat}}. The monsters locked in slayer areas will not be rolled in slayer tasks until the item has been purchased from the shop. Also, if you are using {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}}, monsters locked behind an item will never appear if the item is not equipped; you can leverage this to control the task rolls.
* {{ItemIcon|Elerine Spear}} - Drops from {{Icon|Elerine Warrior|type=monster}} (lv. 96)
* {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Torture}} - Rare drop from {{Icon|Fierce Devil|type=monster}} (lv. 100), {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} (lv. 177)
* {{ItemIcon|Warberd}} - 2H, Drops from {{Icon|Seething Horned Elite|type=monster}} (lv. 161)
* {{ItemIcon|Desert Sabre}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Giant|type=monster}} (lv. 125)
* {{ItemIcon|War Axe}} - 2H, Drops from {{Icon|Raging Horned Elite|type=monster}} (lv. 125)
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Sword}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} (lv. 177)
* {{ItemIcon|Sunset Rapier}} - '''One of the best melee weapons early''', {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} (lv. 177). This can carry you through {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon}} / {{ZoneIcon | Infernal Stronghold}}. '''It's probably the most important drop for Melee.'''
* {{ItemIcon|Miolite Sceptre}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}} (lv. 178) dungeon
* {{ItemIcon|Sandstorm Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Sand Beast|type=monster}} (lv. 197)
* {{ItemIcon|Dragon Claw}} - Very long grind, {{ItemIcon|Dragon Claw Fragment}} drops from {{Icon|Griffin|type=monster}} (lv. 124).
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Claw}} - Very long grind, {{ItemIcon|Ancient Claw Fragment}} drops from {{Icon|Pegasus|type=monster}} (lv. 182).

Same as Melee, you should be doing the highest XP/hr monster with the highest possible gear. Due to the slower attack speed and the relative difficulty of {{Skill|Fletching}} large amounts of bolts, you shouldn't use {{ItemIcon|Bronze Crossbow|crossbows}} until you have the {{ItemIcon|Dragon Crossbow}} or better. For bolts, anything worse than {{ItemIcon|Emerald Bolts}} is sellable. Save the {{ItemIcon|Diamond|Diamonds}} for {{ItemIcon|Diamond Luck Potion IV|Diamond Luck IV Potions}}.

Line 322: Line 344:
{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
! {{Skill|Ranged}} Level
! {{Skill|Attack|notext=true}} Level
! Bows
! {{Skill|Attack}} Weapon
! Arrows
! {{Skill|Strength}} Weapon
! Armor
! Armor
! Best XP Monster
! Recommended Monster
! Idleable Dungeons
| rowspan="3" | 1
| 41
| rowspan="3" | {{ItemIcon|Normal Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Normal Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Sword|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Rune Dagger|Rune}} / {{ItemIcon|Elerine Spear}}
| {{ItemIcon|Bronze Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Scimitar|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Rune Battleaxe|Rune}}
| {{ItemIcon|Leather Cowl|Leather}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Helmet|Rune Armor}}  
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Bandit}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Iron Arrows}}
| 50
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Basic)}}/{{ItemIcon|Slayer Leather Body (Basic)}}
| {{ItemIcon|Desert Sabre}} / {{ItemIcon|Rune Sword|Rune}}
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| {{ItemIcon|Desert Sabre}} / {{ItemIcon|Rune Battleaxe|Rune}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Helmet|Rune Armor}}  
| {{MonsterIcon|Bandit}}
| {{ItemIcon|Ice Arrows}}
| 60
| (Using Leather)
| {{ItemIcon|Dragon Claw}} / {{ItemIcon|Dragon Sword|Dragon}}  
| {{Icon|Cow|type=monster}}
| {{ItemIcon|Dragon Claw}} / {{ItemIcon|Dragon Battleaxe|Dragon}}  
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Dragon Helmet|Dragon Armor}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Vampire}}
| 5
| {{ItemIcon|Oak Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Oak Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Steel Arrows}}
| (Using Leather)
| {{Icon|Ranged Golbin|type=monster}}
| -
| 10
| (Using Oak Shortbow)
| (Using Steel Arrows)
| {{ItemIcon|Hard Leather Cowl|Hard Leather}}
| {{Icon|Tentacle|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Chicken Coop}} (Requires {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier II}})
| 20
| 70
| {{ItemIcon|Willow Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Willow Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Ancient Sword}} / {{ItemIcon|Warberd}}  
| {{ItemIcon|Mithril Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Ancient 2H Sword}} / {{ItemIcon|War Axe}}
| (Using Hard Leather)
| {{ItemIcon|Ancient Helmet|Ancient Armor}}  
| {{Icon|Frozen Archer|type=monster}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Holy Archer}}
| -
| 30
| {{ItemIcon|Maple Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Maple Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Adamant Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Strong)}} / {{ItemIcon|Slayer Leather Body (Strong)}}
| {{Icon|Wizard|type=monster}} / {{Icon|Bandit|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon | Undead Graveyard}}
| rowspan="2" | 40
| {{ItemIcon|Yew Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Yew Longbow}}
| rowspan="2" | {{ItemIcon|Rune Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Green D-hide Body|Green D-hide}} / {{ItemIcon|Ranger Hat}}/{{ItemIcon|Ranger Boots}}
| {{Icon|Bandit|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon | Spider Forest}}
| {{ItemIcon|Ice Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Ice Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Ice Helmet|Ice}}
| {{Icon|Master Wizard|type=monster}}
| {{ZoneIcon|Bandit Base}} / {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}} / {{ZoneIcon|Frozen Cove}} / {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} / {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}}(Requires {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Eat - Tier III}})
| rowspan="2"|50
| {{ItemIcon|Magic Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Magic Longbow}}
| (Using Rune)
| {{ItemIcon|Blue D-hide Body|Blue D-hide}} + Ranger gear
| {{Icon|Master Wizard|type=monster}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Desert Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Elerine Longbow}}
| (Using Rune)
| (Using Blue D-hide)
| {{Icon|Master Wizard|type=monster}}
| -
| rowspan="2" | 60
| {{ItemIcon|Redwood Shortbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Redwood Longbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Dragon Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Red D-hide Body|Red D-hide}}
| {{Icon|Master Wizard|type=monster}}
| -
| {{ItemIcon|Poisoned Shortbow}}
| (Using Dragon)
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Elite)}} / {{ItemIcon|Slayer Leather Body (Elite)}}
| {{Icon|Master Wizard|type=monster}}
| -

====Gear Goals====
====Gear Goals====
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Longbow}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Bandit Base}} (lv. 115) dungeon
* Weapons:
* {{ItemIcon|Ranger Hat}}/{{ItemIcon|Ranger Boots}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Spider Forest}} (lv. 156) dungeon
* Equipment:
* {{ItemIcon|Desert Shortbow}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul General|type=monster}} (lv. 164)
** {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Strength}} - Drops from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Strength}}
* {{ItemIcon|Elder Dragonhide}} gear - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}} (lv. 272) dungeon
** {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence}} - Drops from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Defence}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Crossbow}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}} (lv. 272) dungeon
** {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Glory}} - Drops from combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Glory}}
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}} - Great for {{Skill|Slayer}} tasks. The necessary part drops from all Horned Elites in [[Desolate Plains]].
** {{ItemIcon|Sandstorm Ring}} {{SkillReq|Attack|50}} - Drops from {{Icon|Sand Beast|type=monster}}.
** {{ItemIcon|Desert Wrappings}} - Drops from {{Icon|Turkul Archers|type=monster}}

Your progression commonly is:
# Leveling up through {{Skill|Alt. Magic}} until you can use {{Icon|type=spell|Fire Surge}}. Depending on how much you want to minmax, you can start using the battle magic earlier.
# Getting the {{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Hat|Ancient}} set and the {{ItemIcon|Book of Eli}}.
# Unlocking Ancient Magicks by clearing the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} 100 times.
# Getting the {{ItemIcon|Cloudburst Staff}} - the strongest Magic-DPS weapon in the game.
- ''See [[Magic/Training]]''
{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
! {{Skill|Magic}} Level
! {{Skill|Ranged|notext=true}} Level
! Weapon
! Weapon
! Spell
! Ammo
! Best XP Monster
! Armor
! Idleable Dungeons
! Recommended Monster
| rowspan="2" | 1
| 41
| {{ItemIcon|Staff of Air|Base Staves}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Javelin}} / {{ItemIcon|Ice Shortbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Green D-hide Body|Green D-hide}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Master Wizard}}
| {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Basic)}}
| 50
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Javelin}} / {{ItemIcon|Ice Shortbow}}
| {{ItemIcon|Rune Arrows}}
| {{ItemIcon|Blue D-hide Body|Blue D-hide}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Master Wizard}}
| rowspan="2" | 30
| 60
| {{ItemIcon|Air Battlestaff|Battlestaves}}
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Dragon Javelin}}
| {{ItemIcon|Emerald Bolts}}
| {{ItemIcon|Red D-hide Body|Red D-hide}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Master Wizard}}
| {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Powerful)}}
| 70
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}} / {{ItemIcon|Dragon Javelin}}
| {{ItemIcon|Emerald Bolts}}
| {{ItemIcon|Black D-hide Body|Black D-hide}}
| {{MonsterIcon|Superior Eyed Monster}}
| 40
| {{ItemIcon|Mystic Air Staff|Mystic Staves}}
| 60
| {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}}

====Gear Goals====
====Gear Goals====
* {{ItemIcon|Mystic Air Staff|Mystic}} Staves - Craftable, {{Skill|Runecrafting}} (lv. 70)
* {{ItemIcon|Nature's Call Staff}} - Drops from {{Icon|Elerine Mage|type=monster}} (lv. 103) and {{Icon|Druid|type=monster}} (lv. 63), combine both halves
** Upgrades into {{ItemIcon|Nature's Wrath Staff}} with materials from {{Icon|Giant Moth|type=monster}} (lv. 223) and {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}} (lv. 178)dungeon
* {{ItemIcon|Shaman Ring}} - Drops from {{Icon|Shaman|type=monster}} (lv. 93)
** Upgrades into {{ItemIcon|Nature's Blessing Ring}} with 10,000 {{ItemIcon|Nature Rune}}
* {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Powerful)}} - Drops from {{Icon|Dark Wizard|type=monster}} (lv. 108)
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Hat|Ancient}} Magic  Gear - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}} (lv. 121) dungeon
* {{ItemIcon|Book of Eli}} - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}} (lv. 121) dungeon
* {{ItemIcon|Miolite Helmet|Miolite}} Gear - Drops from {{ZoneIcon|Miolite Caves}} (lv. 178) dungeon

==Volcanic Cave==
* Weapons:
* Equipment:
** {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Ranged}} - Upgraded by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Ranged}}
** {{ItemIcon|Throwing Power Gloves}} - Drops from  {{MonsterIcon|Turkul Throwers}}
** {{ItemIcon|Cape of Ranged Preservation}} - Drops from  {{MonsterIcon|Holy Archer}}
** {{ItemIcon|Scaled Shield}} - Upgraded from the {{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Shield}} which drops from the {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}}

Your first target after reaching {{SkillReq|Smithing|99}} is the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.
===Volcanic Cave and Ancient Armor===
The major goal of this section is to find and equip {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|(U) Ancient D-hide Body|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Robes|Ancient Armor}}

To prevent issues with duplicating content, all information about it was put into a dedicated page.
{{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Hat|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Robes|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Bottoms|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Boots|Ancient Wizard Robes}} come from the {{ZoneIcon|Hall of Wizards}}.
* This dungeon isn't really difficult enough to warrant a guide, it is recommended to use the best available Ranged equipment to benefit the most from the [[Combat Triangle]].
* As with most Magic equipment, these robes do not need to be upgraded to get the full benefit.

- ''See [[Volcanic Cave/Guide]]''
{{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Body|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Chaps|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Vambraces|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Shield|Ancient D-hide Armor}} comes from the {{ZoneIcon|Dragons Den}}.
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Dragons Den/Guide]]'''
* This armor needs to be upgraded, getting the raw D-hide necessary to fully upgrade this armor will likely take longer than getting each piece of armor
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient D-hide Shield}} has a second upgrade, the {{ItemIcon|Scaled Shield}}, which is best in slot for Ranged for a long time.

==Infernal Stronghold==
{{ItemIcon|Ancient Helmet|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Platelegs|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ancient Shield|Ancient Plate Armor}} comes from the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Volcanic Cave/Guide]]'''
* This armor, like {{Skill|Smithing}} armor needs to be upgraded twice.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Shield}} has a fourth upgrade, the {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}, which is best in slot for Melee for a long time. Upgrading this shield requires 7050 {{ItemIcon|Dragon Bones}}.

Congratulations on beating the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}!
Due to the nature of the game, it is entirely possible to skip Ancient armor completely, and go straight to the next section. This does however require a bit more knowledge of how the game works, and is not necessarily recommended. The {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}} and the {{ItemIcon|Scaled Shield}} are two important items that should not be skipped.

You now have the {{ItemIcon|Fire Cape}} that provides 2% DR and slightly improves your defences.

Next, you need to clear the {{ZoneIcon|Infernal Stronghold}} once to get the {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}} - the best combat cape at this stage of the game.

Use the build for manual eating from the linked guide to clear the dungeon.
==The Mid Game: Levels 76-95==

- ''See [[Infernal_Stronghold/Guide]]''
After acquiring and equipping all of the Ancient sets of armor and obtaining decent weapons, the player should now be well prepared to step up to the plate of the next challenge the game has to offer, Infernal Stronghold and the God Dungeons. But first, it is hugely recommended to assess the progress of all non-combat skills; each of these dungeons is difficult enough that NOT having access to {{Skill|Prayer|Prayers}}, {{Skill|Herblore}} Potions, {{Skill|Summoning}} Tablets, or {{Skill|Agility}} / {{Skill|Astrology}} bonuses can make progress significantly slower than it needs to be.

==Mid Game (God Dungeons)==
This section will first outline any particularly useful buffs and some crucial pieces of equipment to grab before moving on.

While somewhat intimidating, all four god dungeons are handled in the same way - the next one is beaten with the gear from the previous one.
At this point, ownership of the {{TotH}} Throne of the Herald Expansion can really benefit the player with new items and passives. See the [[Combat_Guide/Throne_of_the_Herald#How_Throne_of_the_Herald_affects_Base_Game_Combat|Throne of the Herald]] section to see which items and upgrades change progression. All {{TotH}} items will require skill levels higher than 100 and may take a very long time to obtain. Combat equipment such as {{ItemIcon|Divine Helmet}}, {{ItemIcon|Carrion Body}}, or {{ItemIcon|Poison Legendary Wizard Hat}} ''CANNOT'' be equipped until the completion of base game combat with the defeat of {{MonsterIcon|Bane, Instrument of Fear}}.

* {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon|Air}} by {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Helmet|Ancient}} gear from {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave|Volcanic}},
===Major Goals===
* {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon|Water}} by {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet|Aeris}} gear from {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon|Air}},
* {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon|Earth}} by {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Helmet|Glacia}} gear from {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon|Water}},
* {{ItemIcon|Infernal Claw}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon|Fire}} by preferably {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet|Aeris}} gear or by {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Helmet|Glacia}}, but that requires much more DR.
* {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}
* {{ItemIcon|Stormsnap}}
Some additional useful drops for the midgame are the following, found in Elite-tier slayer areas:
* {{ItemIcon|Cloudburst Staff}}
* {{ItemIcon|Earth Layered Shield}}
* {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} - Drops from the {{Icon|Elder Vampire|type=monster}},
* {{ItemIcon|Big ol Ron}}
* {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}} - Drops from the {{Icon|Cursed Maiden|type=monster}}, used for {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand|notext=true}} Imbued Wands,
* {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Glacia God Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Terran God Platebody|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Platebody|notext=true}} [[God_Equipment#Armour|God Armor]]
* {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}} - {{Icon|Bounty Hunter|type=monster}} greatly accelerates this grind,
* {{ItemIcon| Undead Enhancement (Superior)|notext=true}} {{ItemIcon|Magic Enhancement (Superior)|notext=true}} {{ItemIcon|Dragon Enhancement (Superior)|notext=true}} {{ItemIcon| Gods Enhancement (Superior)|notext=true}} [[Stronghold]] Superior Gems
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Elite)|notext=true}} Elite Slayer Gear - Purchased in shop.
None of the above are needed, but definitely worth obtaining here. You should also be nearing max combat as you progress through the dungeons.
To unlock the ancient spells, you will need to run each of the God Dungeons 100 times. Each dungeon also provides extremely useful drops, some of which are Best-in-Slot (BiS).
Additionally, completing the God Dungeons unlocks the skill upgrades: {{UpgradeIcon|Perpetual Haste}}, {{UpgradeIcon|Expanded Knowledge}}, {{UpgradeIcon|Master of Nature}}, and {{UpgradeIcon|Art of Control}}. These reduce the related skill intervals by 15%, which makes them excellent for anyone going for mastery.
It might take around a month to complete all God Dungeons in preparation for {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}.
===Air God Dungeon===

{| class="wikitable"
===External Buffs===
|- class="headerRow-0"
! Item
{{Skill|Prayer}}, while always useful, can be difficult to level up in the early game, and many players ignore it due to the upkeep required. Now is a great time to remedy that!
! Slot
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Helmet}}
| Head
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Platebody}}
| Body
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|(G) Dragon Boots}}
| Boots
| 6%
| {{ItemIcon|(U) Ancient D-hide Vambraces}}
| Hands
| 6%
| {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}}
| Cape
| 4%
| {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence}}
| Neck
| 2%
| {{ItemIcon|Sandstorm Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
| 46%

The order of actions to get this build is the following:
Obtaining {{Skill|Prayer}} Points is the main ingredient here, this can take time and effort, but is rewarding. Prayer Points come from the following sources:
# For the {{ItemIcon|(U) Ancient D-hide Vambraces|vambraces}}, check the [[Dragons Den/Guide]].
* Burying {{ItemIcon|Bones|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Big Bones|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Dragon Bones|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Magic Bones|all Bones}} and {{ItemIcon|Holy Dust}}, this is generally not recommended unless you have a consistent, non-combat source of these as bones are relatively slow to gather and often used for non-combat skills.
# DPS-wise, get at least {{ItemIcon|Sunset Rapier}}. Check the [[Deep Sea Ship/Guide]] for that.
** {{ItemIcon|Bones}} and {{ItemIcon|Holy Dust}} can be made with {{Skill|Magic|Alt-Magic}} Spells.
# Get the {{ItemIcon|Sandstorm Ring}}. It's an immense DPS boost for Melee builds.
** {{ItemIcon|Magic Bones}} can be purchased from the Shop for {{SC}} SC
# For the {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence|amulet}}, check the [[FEZ/Guide]]. Ideally, compare your options with the [[Combat Simulator]] because {{Icon|Bounty Hunter|type=monster}} has large DPS. Your food expenditure might be not worth it.
* {{ItemIcon|Ash}} is obtained from {{Skill|Firemaking}} which can be buried by itself or turned into {{ItemIcon|Small Urn}} or {{ItemIcon|Medium Urn}} in {{Skill|Crafting}} and then turned into {{ItemIcon|Small Urn (Enchanted)}} and {{ItemIcon|Medium Urn (Enchanted)}} in {{Skill|Magic|Alt-Magic}}.
# Clear {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} 100 times.
* {{ItemIcon|Raw Skeleton Fish}} can be caught in {{Skill|Fishing}} if the player has found the {{ItemIcon|Message in a Bottle}}
# Now might be the time to farm {{Icon|Pegasus|type=monster|Pegasi}} for the {{ItemIcon|Ancient Claw}}. You need 20k accuracy on {{Icon|Slicing Winds|type=spell}}. For instance, by getting the {{ItemIcon|Ancient Wizard Hat|notext=true}} set, {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Magic|notext=true}}, {{ItemIcon|Enchanted Cape|notext=true}}, {{ItemIcon|Elementalist Gloves|notext=true}}, and {{SkillReq|Magic|91}}. The [[Ancient Claw/Guide]] explains why farming it now may be the best option.
# Get the {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}} - its DR and HP buff will be useful throughout the whole game. To get dem {{ItemIcon|Dragon Bones|bonez}}, give a {{Icon|Green Dragon|type=monster}} some {{Icon|Icicle Volley|type=spell|Icicle Volleys}} treatment because it has the best DPS at the moment. Or you can use {{Icon|Slicing Winds|type=spell}} if you don't want to bother with water runes.
# Collect a full {{ItemIcon|(G) Ancient Helmet|Ancient}} set from the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.
# Ideally, manually farm {{ZoneIcon|Infernal Stronghold}} for {{ItemIcon|Infernal Core|qty=10|Infernal Cores}} to get an {{ItemIcon|Infernal Claw}}. There's a guide about it: [[Infernal Stronghold/Guide]].
# Whack the hell out of the {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon}}.

As for which Prayers to use, preferably {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}} and the best combat style prayer available, {{PrayerIcon|Piety}}, {{PrayerIcon|Rigour}}, or {{PrayerIcon|Augury}}.

''For the gear options and notable drops, see [[Air God Dungeon/Guide]].''

===Water God Dungeon===
Agility grants many powerful bonuses the most important of which being increased {{Skill|Hitpoints}}. This can make achieving idle-breakpoints much easier when your effective HP is 9 levels higher than it should be.

Link to guide: [[Water God Dungeon/Guide]]
Which bonuses you pick and whether or not you want to swap courses often are '''up to you''' as which obstacles are "best" varies based on what you're doing and what your goals are, but the following table will list any obstacles with helpful combat bonuses:

{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
|- class="headerRow-0"
!colspan="1"| #
! Item
!colspan="1"| Obstacle
! Slot
!colspan="4"| Reason
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet}}
! colspan="1"| 1
| Head
| {{AgilityIcon|Cargo Net}}
| 8%
| +3% Global GP, woohoo!
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platebody}}
! 2
| Body
| colspan="2"| Any
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platelegs}}
! 3
| Leggings
| {{AgilityIcon|Pipe Climb}}
| 8%
| The only obstacle on this tier with any benefit to combat.
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Boots}}
! rowspan="2"| 4
| Boots
| {{AgilityIcon|Coal Stones}}
| 8%
| The only obstacle on this tier with a net-positive benefit to combat.
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Gloves}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Mud Dive}} / {{AgilityIcon|Cave Climb}}
| Hands
| These obstacles are decent in the Early Game for squeezing out a little bit of extra power when your HP and Damage Reduction don't really matter.
| 8%
! rowspan="2"| 5
| {{AgilityIcon|Cliff Climb}}
| Use this typically any time when doing slayer, but be aware of the negative modifier and pick and choose when to run this.
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| {{AgilityIcon|Cliff Balance}}
| 40%
| Can be used as the default combat obstacle, the {{Skill|Prayer}} point increase is really not as bad as it sounds.
! rowspan="2"| 6
| {{AgilityIcon|Rocky Waters}}
| This obstacle is '''extremely powerful''' in the early game, and is always viable for Combat. This obstacle can single-handedly let you do Dungeons much earlier than normal.
| {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Lake Swim}}
| Cape
| Damage reduction is great, so is doing more damage and preserving {{Skill|Prayer}} points! In the later stages of the game, this obstacle is typically more useful than Rocky Waters, but will rarely, if ever, provide more survivability.
| 4%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}
! 7
| Neck
| colspan="2"| '''Pick the trap that hinders what you're doing the least, this varies based on where you are in the game and what goals you have.'''
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Silver Diamond Ring}}
| Ring
| 1%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
| 56%
At this point, you should have a full set of {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet|Aeris}} God Gear. For your weapon, you should be using {{ItemIcon|Ancient Crossbow}}, or {{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}}/{{ItemIcon|Dragon Crossbow}} if you don't have one. {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}} as well makes this a breeze so you can use {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}} in the ring slot.
{{ItemIcon|Emerald Bolts}} are probably your best bet. {{ItemIcon|Jadestone Bolts}} work too if you have those.
This dungeon is a breeze if you have the above gear. Notable drops:
* {{ItemIcon|Cloudburst Staff}} - One of the BiS weapons for magic. Situationally useful.
* {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Helmet|Glacia}} God Gear - Magic BiS. Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland ring upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Gloves}})
* {{ItemIcon|Warlock Ring}} - Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland ring upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Ring}})
* {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}} - Useful for imbued wand crafting
After completing this dungeon, you should absolutely complete the {{ItemIcon|Infernal Claw}} grind if you have not already. This weapon is necessary for {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}, and is one of the highest DPS weapons in the game, whilst also allowing you to wield {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}. Full Glacia + {{Icon|Gust|type=spell}} should kill {{Icon|Griffin|type=monster}} / {{Icon|Pegasus|type=monster}} quite easily if you hit the accuracy breakpoint.
Not Done
|title=Minimal Clearing Combat Sim|color=default}}
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|title=Pre-ITM Farming|color=default}}
Not Done
|title=Post-ITM Farming|color=default}}
===Earth God Dungeon===
Link to guide: [[Earth God Dungeon/Guide]]
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
! Slot
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Helmet}}
| Head
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Platebody}}
| Body
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Boots}}
| Boots
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| 40%
| {{ItemIcon|Skull Cape}}
| Cape
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}
| Neck
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
| 54%
Same ordeal as the {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon}}. Equip the previous set of armor, then get to work. By now, you should likely have {{ItemIcon|Skull Cape}}, one of the BiS capes for magic. {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand}} is highly recommended so you can use {{Icon|Gust|type=spell}} for cheap along with the {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}.
Again, this dungeon is easy. Notable Drops:
* {{ItemIcon|Terran God Helmet|Terran}} God Gear - The defense-oriented melee set. Helps you splash melee pieces to hit DR thresholds. Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland glove upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Gloves}})
* {{ItemIcon|Guardian Ring}} - Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland ring upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Ring}})
* {{ItemIcon|Guardian Amulet}} - Situationally useful melee amulet
* {{ItemIcon|Earth Layered Shield}} - BiS melee shield. Provides *12%* DR
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|title=Minimal Clearing Combat Sim|color=default}}
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|title=Pre-ITM Farming|color=default}}
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|title=Post-ITM Farming|color=default}}
===Fire God Dungeon===
Link to Guide: [[Fire God Dungeon/Guide]]
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
! rowspan=3 | 8
! Slot
| {{AgilityIcon|Pipe Crawl}}
! DR%
| Used for {{Skill|Slayer}}.
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Raft Building}}
| Head
| More well rounded, and can help making damage reduction breakpoints. This obstacle can safely be the default.
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platebody}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Spike Jump}}
| Body
| Used for completing Dungeons.
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platelegs}}
! rowspan=5 | 9
| Leggings
| {{AgilityIcon|Lava Jump}}
| 8%
| Primarily used for killing weak enemies as quickly as possible, particularly when the enemy dies in one or two hits. The negative modifiers make this unappealing for any other use
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Boots}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Water Jump}}
| Boots
| Great if you do not need the bonuses from {{AgilityIcon|Ice Jump}} or {{AgilityIcon|Frozen Lake Crossing}} and can afford to swap to something else when you do want those bonuses.
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Gloves}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Ice Jump}}
| Hands
| The most well rounded for all Skills including, and can be used as the default.
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| {{AgilityIcon|Cave Maze}}
| 40%
| Competes with a bunch of heavy hitters, there should be no reason to use this instead of the other options.
| {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Frozen Lake Crossing}}
| Cape
| The most well rounded for combat, not as useful for non-combat and can be used as the default.
| 4%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}
! rowspan=3 | 10
| Neck
| {{AgilityIcon|Lava Waterfall Dodge}}
| 3%
| Well rounded and often best for non-combat skills, this can be used as the default.
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Dragon Fight}}
| Ring
| Primarily used for killing weak enemies as quickly as possible, particularly when the enemy dies in one or two hits.
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Ocean Rafting}}
| Off-hand
| Always useful for combat, not as useful for non-combat and should generally only be used if you really need extra Damage or {{Skill|Slayer|Slayer Coins}}.
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
! rowspan="1"| P
| 55%
| {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
| Does everything you want it to.

This dungeon is a bit harder than the previous, as it mixes both melee and magic enemies. For that reason, use the {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet|Aeris}} god set. Gear setup is similar to the {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon}}, but focuses primarily on DR breakpoints. Consider using the {{Icon|Stone Skin|type=prayer}} prayer or {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}}'s. Getting enough DR without using prayer or potions will severely hamper your clear times, as you won't be equipping the proper DPS gear.
Preferably {{ItemIcon|Diamond Luck Potion IV}} or {{ItemIcon|Damage Reduction Potion IV}}. Alternatively:
* {{ItemIcon|Melee Strength Potion IV}}, {{ItemIcon|Ranged Strength Potion IV}}, or {{ItemIcon|Magic Damage Potion IV}}
* {{ItemIcon|Hinder Potion IV}}
* {{ItemIcon|Lethal Toxins Potion IV}}

Highly recommend using combat sim to ensure you aren't killed by {{Icon|Ragnar|type=monster}} or {{Icon|Ignis|type=monster}}. This dungeon probably has the most variety in setups out of any of the dungeons, just ensure that you aren't in danger of dying.
For dungeons, preferably {{ItemIcon|Dragon}} and the best combat style Tablet available, {{ItemIcon|Minotaur}}, {{ItemIcon|Centaur}}, or {{ItemIcon|Witch}}. For Slayer {{ItemIcon|Cyclops}} paired with the same combat style tablets are a safe bet. The best two alternatives are:
* {{ItemIcon|Yak}}
* {{ItemIcon|Occultist}}

Notable drops:
{{Skill|Slayer}} is crucial to continuing to upgrade your equipment at this point; if it has been neglected, now is nearly the last time to catch up without falling behind. Elite and Master difficulty Tasks can be quite difficult, especially if using {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}}, it may be more efficient to only do tasks when possible, and fight each enemy normally when the player can't be around.
* {{ItemIcon|Skull Cape}} - Obtained from the Shop for {{SC|400000}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Ancient Claw}} - Drops from {{MonsterIcon|Pegasus}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}} - Drops from {{MonsterIcon|Hunting Greater Dragon}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Wasteful Ring}} - Drops from {{MonsterIcon|Wicked Greater Dragon}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} - Drops from the {{MonsterIcon|Elder Vampire}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Magic Wand (Elite)}} - Drops from {{MonsterIcon|Cursed Maiden}}, used for creating {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Water Imbued Wand|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Earth Imbued Wand|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Fire Imbued Wand|Imbued Wands}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Elite)|Elite Slayer Armor}} - Can be purchased in the Shop after completing 30 Elite difficulty Slayer Tasks.

* {{ItemIcon|Fighter Amulet}} - One of the BiS amulets for melee. CC is absolutely critical at high level combat.
===Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs (FEZ)===
* {{ItemIcon|Fighter Ring}} - Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland ring upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Ring}})
Final upgrade of all of the Elite Amulets. FEZ has a table that details a number of important stats on each Amulet at [[FEZ/Guide]]. If the guide has been followed thoroughly until this point, here is a quick summary of where each amulet should be obtained from the quickest:
* {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Helmet|Ragnar}} God Gear - Offensively oriented BiS melee gear. Save at least 10 for Unhallowed Wasteland glove upgrades ({{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Gloves}})
** {{MonsterIcon|Mummy}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Strength}}
** {{MonsterIcon|Bandit}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Ranged}}
** {{MonsterIcon|Master Wizard}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Magic}}
** {{MonsterIcon|Bounty Hunter}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Glory}}, {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Accuracy}}, and {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Defence}}
** {{MonsterIcon|Fierce Devil}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Torture}}
** {{MonsterIcon|Seething Horned Elite}} for {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Fury}}
*** Note that {{ZoneIcon|Deep Sea Ship}} drops {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Torture}} and {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}} drops {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Fury}}, so it is recommended to finish obtaining any items from these dungeons first to help ease the grind.

===Dungeon Guides===
Not Done
===={{ZoneIcon|Infernal Stronghold|nolink=true|size=30}}====
|title=Minimal Clearing Combat Sim|color=default}}
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Infernal Stronghold/Guide]]'''

The primary reason to do this dungeon is the {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}} which grants 4% Damage Reduction and works well for each combat style. The {{ItemIcon|Infernal Core|Infernal Cores}} dropped here can be used to upgrade an {{ItemIcon|Ancient Claw}} into an {{ItemIcon|Infernal Claw}}, a critical and powerful one-handed Melee weapon.
Not Done
|title=Pre-ITM Farming|color=default}}

===={{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon|nolink=true|size=30}}====
Not Done
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Air God Dungeon/Guide]].'''
|title=Post-ITM Farming|color=default}}

==Preparing for Into the Mist==
The {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon|noicon=true}} drops {{Skill|Ranged}} armor and equipment, and is usually completed with {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} equipment
from the {{ZoneIcon|Volcanic Cave}}.

{{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} is one of the most difficult challenges in the game. The Insane difficulty is accurate. It cannot be idled.
===={{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon|nolink=true|size=30}}====
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Water God Dungeon/Guide]].'''

To start, you first fight 20 Afflicted versions of randomly chosen monsters between combat level 165 and 677. Any monster, save those from {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} or {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, including bosses, can be chosen.
The {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon|noicon=true}} drops {{Skill|Magic}} armor and equipment, and is usually completed with {{Skill|Ranged}} equipment from the {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon}}.

Affliction is a special status effect applied by monsters that reduces your max HP. This means that the encounters are a race against the clock, forcing you to kill the enemy before your affliction stacks get too high. Due to this, it is recommended that you focus on DPS above all else when choosing your three gear sets.
===={{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon|nolink=true|size=30}}====
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Earth God Dungeon/Guide]].'''

This dungeon cannot be completed without the Dungeon Equipment Swapping upgrade purchased from the shop.
The {{ZoneIcon|Earth God Dungeon|noicon=true}} drops {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} tank oriented armor and equipment, and is usually completed with {{Skill|Magic}} equipment from the {{ZoneIcon|Water God Dungeon}}..

It is highly recommended that you have acquired *all* previously available BiS gear for each combat style before attempting ITM.
===={{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon|nolink=true|size=30}}====
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Fire God Dungeon/Guide]].'''

Recommended Gear from Best to Worst:
The {{ZoneIcon|Fire God Dungeon|noicon=true}} drops {{Skill|Attack|Melee}} dps oriented armor and equipment, and is usually completed with {{Skill|Ranged}} equipment from the {{ZoneIcon|Air God Dungeon}}.

* All BiS God Dungeon Gear
=={{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist|nolink=true|size=30}}==
* {{ItemIcon|Diamond Luck Potion IV}} - As many as possible
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Into the Mist/Guide]].'''
* Combat Agility Obstacles
* {{ItemIcon|Ragnar Godsword}}, {{ItemIcon|Terran Godsword}}, {{ItemIcon|Darksteel Dagger}}
* {{ItemIcon|Stormsnap}}, {{ItemIcon|Ancient Longbow}}, or {{ItemIcon|Ancient Crossbow}}
* {{ItemIcon|Jadestone Bolts}}, {{ItemIcon|Ancient Arrows}}, {{ItemIcon|Dragon Arrows}}
* {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}, {{ItemIcon|Scaled Shield}} (Upgraded {{ItemIcon|(U) Ancient D-hide Shield}} with materials from {{ZoneIcon|Toxic Swamps}})
* {{ItemIcon|Miolite Shield}}
* {{ItemIcon|Skull Cape}}
* {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}
* {{ItemIcon|Air Imbued Wand}}
* Level 84 {{Skill|Prayer}}

At this point you can probably begin to make your way towards one of the longest grinds in the game, {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}}. FEZ, as it is often called, is made from the upgrading process by combining:
{{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist|noicon=true}} is one of the most difficult challenges in the game. It cannot be idled.
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Defence}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Defence}}
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Magic}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Magic}}
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Accuracy}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Accuracy}}
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Strength}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Strength}}
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Ranged}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Ranged}}
* 2 {{ItemIcon|Elite Amulet of Glory}} - Made by combining 100 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Glory}}
* 10 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Fury}}
* 10 {{ItemIcon|Amulet of Torture}}

This item is by no means necessary, but it is very useful as a "catch all" type of amulet. No matter what situation you're in, FEZ is probably a good choice. See the following link for best practices while farming for the amulet.  
To start, the player must first fight 20 Afflicted versions of randomly chosen monsters between combat level 165 and 677. Any monster, including bosses, save those from {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} or {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, can be chosen.

Link to Guide: [[Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs/Guide]]
{{EffectIcon|Affliction}} is a special status effect applied by monsters that reduces your max HP. This means that the encounters are a race against the clock, forcing you to kill the enemy before your affliction stacks get too high. Due to this, it is recommended that you focus on DPS above all else when choosing your three gear sets.

==Into the Mist==
'''This dungeon cannot be completed without the Dungeon Equipment Swapping upgrade purchased from the shop.'''

{{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} consists of 3 set order phases, with pauses in between each phase.
Note that it may be beneficial to complete the [[Slayer#Master|Master]] tier {{Skill|Slayer}} tasks required to unlock {{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master)}} before completing Into the Mist for the first time. This is because of {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} monsters being added to the pool of available enemies. It will no longer be trivial to use {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}} for Master tier Tasks, as the new enemies are fairly strong, and are more lethal to the average player than the Greater Dragons available in the {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}} version of Master Tasks. If you do not feel comfortable learning how to do manual slayer, feel free to Auto-slay Perilous Peaks. See below for a more in depth explanation.

Link to the guide: [[Into_the_Mist/Guide]]
{{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} consists of 3 boss phases in a set order, with pauses in between each phase. Refer to [[Into the Mist/Guide]] for a comprehensive guide on completing this dungeon.

There is too much information on ITM to copy to this guide, definitely worth reading the above, which is excellent.
Notable Rewards:
Notable Drops:
* Access to the {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} slayer area, where the T90 weapons can be obtained
* Access to the {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} slayer area, where the T90 weapons can be obtained
* {{PetIcon|Pablo}} - Drops after 5 completions
* {{PetIcon|Pablo}} - Drops after 5 completions

==Passive Slot==
===Combat Passive Slot===

Main Article: [[Combat Passive Slot]]
Main Article: [[Combat Passive Slot]]

Congratulations on completing {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}! Your reward is one of the best upgrades in the game, the passive slot. This allows you to slot any item with the "Passive Slot Compatible" text into said slot. What this allows you to do is splash extra effects on items with otherwise mediocre stats into your build.
Congratulations on completing {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}! The reward is one of the best upgrades in the game, the Passive Slot. This allows any item with a "Passive: ____" effect to be equipped in said slot.

While the original article is more than exhaustive, I'll highlight some of the best choice items here:
While the original article is more than exhaustive, some of the best choices are highlighted here:
* {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}} - Bad stats, but includes item doubling
* {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}} - More item doubling is always good
* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Wealth}} - More item doubling is always great
* {{ItemIcon|Ring of Wealth}} - More item doubling is always good
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|Master Slayer Gear}} - Lets you splash more Flat Slayer Area Reduction
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|Master Slayer Armor}} - Lets you splash more Flat Slayer Area Reduction, along with a pittance of item doubling
* {{ItemIcon|Sand Treaders}} - More attack speed is great when farming low health enemies and you need to hit a DR breakpoint
* {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} - Slightly more dps from attack interval reduction, a big pile of free lifesteal helps preserve food stocks
* {{ItemIcon|Deadeye Amulet}} - Ranged only, fantastic dps

==T90 Farming==
===When to complete Master Slayer Tasks: Before or after ITM===

Following completion of {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}, you now have access to {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, the penultimate slayer area. These 3 mobs drop fragments for the T90 weapons, the most powerful weapons in the game. These are extremely long grinds, and require quite a bit of preparation. Each weapon requires 100 fragments, and the fragments have a 2% drop rate. That's 5,000 kills on average.
{{ItemIcon|Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master)}} and therefore {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)|Master Slayer Armor}} are unlocked by completing 40 [[Slayer#Master|Master]] tier {{Skill|Slayer}} tasks. In the base game, Master Tier Slayer consists of 3 Slayer areas based on the following unlock conditions:

We recommend acquiring them in the following order, as the high evasion on {{Icon|Rokken|type=monster}} makes it extremely hard to complete without {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}}:
* {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}} - {{SkillReq|Slayer|85}}. By default, only enemies in this area will appear in Master Tasks
* {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Ku-tul|type=monster}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} - {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}} completed at least once.
* {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Umbora|type=monster}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} - [[Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland]] purchased from the [[Shop]].
* {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Shockwave Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Rokken|type=monster}}

Additionally, you should also acquire the pet {{PetIcon|Otto}} whilst doing this grind.
The {{TotH|Throne of the Herald Expansion}} contains new Master Slayer areas, but these are all locked behind completion of the {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}}

Item fragments are very rare drops, and you should attempt to sneak in as much item doubling into your gear as possible. Using Combat Sim to measure your Drops/hr with no deaths is highly recommended. It can make the difference in literal days of grinding.
Completing 40 Master tasks can take anywhere from 20-80+ hours (with a probable average of about 40hours), depending on your setup, luck with task length, or efficiency/luck in re-rolling for short tasks on the fastest to kill monster. These tasks can be completed either before or after {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}, and which method you do is up to you.  

Due to the difficulty of enemies in {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, using {{UpgradeIcon|Auto Slayer}} to complete Master tasks is no longer feasible following the completion of {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}. Therefore, it is 'simpler' to complete all 40 tasks while having only {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}} unlocked, as the only necessity is to meet the DR checkpoints of each monster. You will also need a fairly healthy supply of food, as these Greater Dragons all have the Greater Dragonbreath ability, which deals a large amount of unavoidable damage.

There are a couple of different orders in which these weapons are normally obtained.  
The {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} drop valuable materials to make powerful weapons, generally consume equal or less food than greater dragons, and an average of about 40 hours each to complete with optimal setups. Therefore, even though they cannot be done on Auto-slayer, completing your Master tasks while working on your t90 weapons will most likely consume less food, and generally take less overall time on on task by killing two birds with one stone. The major downside here is that you will want to check back in every 2-3 hours to swap your equipment and manually change to the next task. This is not mandatory, but it is recommended as you will be earning Slayer XP and Slayer Coins all the while, and you will be able to purchase [[Prayer|Prayer Points]] and [[Generous Resupply|Food]] at a profit.

Basically, a {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} is heavily suggested for {{MonsterIcon|Rokken}}.
Consider the addition of the [[Combat Passive Slot|Passive Slot]] - By equipping powerful passive effects in this slot, you can greatly increase your DPS, item drop rate, or greatly reduce your food consumption. This is most noticeable on Greater Dragons; with the {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} equipped, food use against these enemies drops ''dramatically''.

The common orders are:
==The Late Game: Levels 96-99==

- {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} then {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}} then {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}}
Following completion of {{ZoneIcon|Into the Mist}}, you now have access to {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}, the penultimate slayer area and will soon be able to unlock {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}

- {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}} then {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} then {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}}
These are long grinds, and may require quite a bit of preparation.

Between those two, the required time is roughly equal, but the first one requires more runes.
We recommend acquiring them while fighting each monster as a slayer task, this will require you to turn OFF auto-slayer, and will encourage semi-frequent check-ins. Doing these on task will increase your damage dealt to them from various buffs, namely {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}.  

Below are some gear suggestions. Depending on {{Skill|Prayer}}, {{Skill|Herblore|Potions}}, and {{Skill|Agility}} buffs), your optimal gear can change.
All items dropped in these two areas come as fragments of the final pieces, needing hundreds of individual items to make one final version, therefore it is recommended to attempt to sneak in as much item doubling into your gear as possible. Using the [[Combat Simulator]] to measure your Drops per hour with no deaths is highly recommended. It can make the difference in literal days of grinding.

This whole guide assumes you either use [ SEMI] to pick up items, or are active enough to pick up all pieces.
===Major Goals===
* {{ItemIcon|Maximum Skillcape}}
* {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}}
* {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}}
* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Shield of Ranged Power|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Shield of Magic Power|Power Shields}}
* {{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Gloves|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Gloves|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Gloves|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Gloves|Upgraded God Gloves}}
* {{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Ring|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Ring|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Spiked Shell Ring|notext=true}}{{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Ring|Upgraded God Rings}}

Many people combine the grinding of these weapons with the grind for the master slayer gear. An added benefit is the increased damage given by the slayer cape on task.
==={{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters|nolink=true|size=30}}===
- '''This Slayer area has a guide at [[Dark Waters/Guide]]'''

===Tidal Edge===
These 3 monsters drop fragments for the T90 (tier, or level requirement) weapons, high level and powerful weapons that are extremely helpful in completing the following Slayer Area, as well as the Impending Darkness Event. Each weapon is upgraded by combining 100 fragments, and the fragments have a 2% drop rate. That's 5,000 kills on average with 0% chance to double items.

To be able to idle {{MonsterIcon|Umbora}} with {{Skill|Magic}}, you'll need 47 DR assuming you have 1000 HP.
Using the above "manual" Slayer method will make the order you obtain the weapons in effectively random, but if you want to do them in a specific order, we recommend the following:

{{MonsterIcon|Umbora}} can be killed either with Ancient Magicks or with Normal Magic if you have an {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Shockwave Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Rokken|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Ku-tul|type=monster}}
With {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}}, use {{Icon|Fire Surge|type=spell}} (reference), {{Icon|Water Surge|type=spell}} (+2% kill time) or {{Icon|Water Blast|type=spell}} (+9% kill time, strongly reduced rune cost).
* {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} - Made from {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge Fragment}}, dropped by {{Icon|Umbora|type=monster}}
With an Imbued Wand, use {{Icon|Gust|type=spell}} (+40% kill time) or {{Icon|Incinerate|type=spell}} (+45% kill time).
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
! Slot
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Helmet}}
| Head
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Platebody}}
| Body
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Boots}}
| Boots
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Glacia God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 8%
| scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| 40%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| Cape
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs|FEZ}}
| Neck
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Earth Layered Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 12%
| {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}
| Passive
| 0%
| scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
| 55%
Use the appropriate Elemental Imbued Wand for Ancients, and the {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}} for Normal magic.
The {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}} can be replaced with a {{ItemIcon|Max Skillcape}} or {{ItemIcon|Skull Cape}}. The {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs|FEZ}} can be replaced with a {{ItemIcon|Warlock Amulet}}.
If you hit the DR goal, you can opt for a {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}}, {{ItemIcon|Slayer Wizard Hat (Master)}}, {{ItemIcon|Slayer Wizard Robes (Master)}}...
While the other two weapons are pretty straightforward in terms of gear, the {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}} is not.
You need to use Melee for this grind, and as said before, it is highly suggested that you have a {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}} before you start the {{MonsterIcon|Rokken}} hunt.
====Standard Method====
This method will require the highest DR, as you need to be able to tank the Shockwave special attack of {{MonsterIcon|Rokken}} while the player is stunned. At {{formatnum:1000}} HP, this will require 56 DR.
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
! Slot
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}}
| Weapon
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Terran God Helmet}}
| Head
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Terran God Platebody}}
| Body
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Terran God Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Terran God Boots}}
| Boots
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Terran God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 8%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
! 40%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| Cape
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs|FEZ}}
| Neck
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}
| Passive
| 0%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
! 51%
Besides this tank gear set-up, you will need extra DR. This can be achieved by using a {{ItemIcon|Fire Cape}}, {{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}}, DR potions/prayers...
The use of DR potions should be avoided if possible, so that DL potions can be used.
====Reduced DR Method====
For this method to work safely without risk of death, the player's attack speed '''must''' be less than 2.24 seconds, as this means the player is quick enough to avoid being stunned when {{MonsterIcon|Rokken}} attacks with the Shockwave special attack. To achieve this, use the combination of Slayer Area Effect negation, {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}} in the [[Combat Passive Slot]], and {{PetIcon|Otto}}, bringing the player's attack speed down to 2.2 seconds. The method also makes use of [[Ragnar God Armour]] and the {{ItemIcon|Fighter Amulet}} in order to increase DPS.
Check your setup with the [[Combat Simulator]] before engaging Rokken.

At {{formatnum:1000}} HP, which can be achieved with {{SkillReq|Hitpoints|97}} and +30 HP from {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}, this method requires 48% [[Damage Reduction]].
Additionally, you should also acquire the pet {{PetIcon|Otto}} whilst doing this grind, if you do not, continue farming whichever mob you kill the fastest on or off task until you get it.

{| class="wikitable"
==={{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland|nolink=true|size=30}}===
- '''This Slayer area has a guide at [[Unhallowed Wasteland/Guide]]'''
! Item
! Slot
! DR%
| {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}}
| Weapon
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Elite)}}
| Head
| 4%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Platebody}}
| Body
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Boots}}
| Boots
| 7%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 7%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
! 32%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| Cape
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Fighter Amulet}}
| Neck
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}}
| Passive
| 0%
| {{PetIcon|Otto}}
| Pet
| 0%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
! 40%

To obtain the remaining 8% DR, {{Skill|Prayer}}, {{Skill|Agility}}, [[Pets]], and {{ItemIcon|Yak}} can be used. One suggestion is to have either {{PetIcon|Leonardo}} or {{PetIcon|Erran}} unlocked while using {{PrayerIcon|Stone Skin}}, [[Agility#Obstacles|Lake Swim]] (obstacle 6), and the {{ItemIcon|Yak}} + {{ItemIcon|Minotaur}} [[Summoning#Synergies|Synergy]]. Another possibility is to use up to 4 [[Terran God Armour]] pieces in place of any of these sources, although this will negatively impact DPS and result in longer kill times.
After completing the T90 weapon grinds, you are ready to face another difficult challenge, the {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} (UW) - the final {{Skill|Slayer}} area in the base game

===Ocean Song===
To access it, you need to purchase a {{UpgradeIcon|Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland}}.

To be able to idle {{MonsterIcon|Ku-tul}} with {{Skill|Ranged}}, you'll need 48 DR assuming you have 1000 HP.
The area requires maximizing a different stat than DR. All of the monsters here will heal a % of their current HP every 2 attacks, which will massively hinder your DPS regardless of the setup. To mitigate this, you need a cumulative 100% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation.  

Depending on your chosen route, you'll be killing {{MonsterIcon|Ku-tul}} with either a {{ItemIcon|Shockwave}}, {{ItemIcon|Ancient Crossbow}}/{{ItemIcon|Slayer's Crossbow}} or {{ItemIcon|Stormsnap}}. Use {{ItemIcon|Jadestone Bolts}}, {{ItemIcon|Emerald Bolts}} or {{ItemIcon|Ancient Arrows}} respectively.
With 0% chance to double items, these monsters all require an average of 4000 kills to obtain all items required.

As you can't use a shield whilst using a {{ItemIcon|Stormsnap}}, the DR has to be compensated with {{Skill|Agility}} buffs, DR potions or {{Skill|Prayer}}.
Here's an example of the gear required for melee:

{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
Line 1,134: Line 729:
! Item
! Item
! Slot
! Slot
! DR%
! Slayer Area<br>Effect Negation %
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Helmet}}
| Head
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platebody}}
| Body
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Platelegs}}
| Leggings
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Boots}}
| Boots
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Aeris God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 8%
| scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| 40%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| Cape
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs|FEZ}}
| Neck
| 3%
| {{ItemIcon|Aorpheat's Signet Ring}}
| Ring
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand<br />
| 8%
| {{ItemIcon|Chapeau Noir}}
| Passive<br />
| 0%
| scope="row" colspan="2" | Total
| 51%
The {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs|FEZ}} can be replaced with a {{ItemIcon|Deadeye Amulet}}, the {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}} with a {{ItemIcon|Max Skillcape}},{{ItemIcon|Cape of Ranged Preservation}} or {{ItemIcon|Fire Cape}}/{{ItemIcon|Infernal Cape}} for the extra DR.
If you hit the DR goal, you can opt for a {{ItemIcon|Elder Crown}}, {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Master)}}, {{ItemIcon|Slayer Leather Body (Master)}}...
==Unhallowed Wasteland==
After completing the T90 weapon grinds, you are ready to face the final content in Melvor. {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}} is the final {{Skill|Slayer}} area. To access, you will need to purchase a {{UpgradeIcon|Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland}}. This area requires maximizing a different stat than DR. All of the monsters here will heal a % of their HP every 2 attacks, which will outpace your DPS regardless of setup. To mitigate this, you will need the following example Melee set for use versus the {{Icon|Legaran Wurm|type=monster}}:
{| class="wikitable"
! Item
! Slot
! Slayer Area<br>Effect Negation%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)}}
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Master)}}
Line 1,204: Line 739:
| 20%
| 20%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Platelegs}}
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Master)}}
| Leggings
| Passive
| 0%
| 20%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Boots}}
| Boots
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Ragnar God Gloves}}
| Hands
| 0%
! scope="row" colspan="2" | Subtotal
| 40%
| {{ItemIcon|Max Skillcape}}/{{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| {{ItemIcon|Max Skillcape}}/{{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}}
| Cape
| Cape
| 25%
| 25%
| {{ItemIcon|Fighter Amulet}}
| Neck
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}}
| {{ItemIcon|Hunter's Ring}}
Line 1,231: Line 751:
| 10%
| 10%
| {{ItemIcon|Tidal Edge}}
| {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}
| Weapon
| Agility
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power}} / {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}
| Off-hand
| 0%
| {{ItemIcon|Slayer Cowl (Master)}}
| Passive
| 20%
| {{Skill|Agility}} Pillar of Combat
| Pillar
| 5%
| 5%
Line 1,251: Line 759:

For the other gearing, should be pretty similar. For the neck slots:
For the other combat styles, you'll be wearing the equivalent Master Slayer armor. Note that you cannot ever wear two of the same item, so whichever item you choose to put in the passive slot must be one of the armor pieces not currently equipped in your chest/head slots.
* {{Skill|Magic}} - {{ItemIcon|Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs}} - Slot in the neck for extra DR and accuracy
* {{Skill|Ranged}} - {{ItemIcon|Deadeye Amulet}} - Single largest DPS increase for ranged
With the {{AoD}} [[Atlas of Discovery Expansion]], the {{POIIcon|Perilous Peaks}} Point of Interest also provides an extra 20% area effect negation (which is doubled with {{PetIcon|Carthulu}}), allowing you to reach 100% negation with only {{ItemIcon|Slayer Helmet (Elite)|Elite Slayer Armor}} and without needing {{AgilityIcon|Pillar of Combat}}

For the shield slots, you should stick with {{ItemIcon|Dragonfire Shield}}, or the style shield from {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} ({{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power}} / {{ItemIcon|Shield of Magic Power}} / {{ItemIcon|Shield of Ranged Power}}).
It should be noted that while UW is listed first, '''completing the {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} first will make this grind faster!''' You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, the sets don't help the event very much, and the shields speed up the slayer area signifcantly.

It should be noted that while UW is listed first, '''completing the {{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event}} will strictly make this grind faster!''' You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, and the shields greatly speed up these grinds.
While you are here, you will be working to acquire all of the set bonus gear, dropped from each of the UW monsters:

While you are here, you should work to acquire all of the set bonus gear, dropped from each of the UW monsters:
* {{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Worm Spike}}/{{ItemIcon|Poison Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Legaran Wurm|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Poison Virulence Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Worm Spike}}/{{ItemIcon|Poison Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Legaran Wurm|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Cursed Hands}}/{{ItemIcon|Burning Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Cursed Lich|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Burning Madness Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Cursed Hands}}/{{ItemIcon|Burning Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Cursed Lich|type=monster}}
Line 1,265: Line 772:
* {{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Desecrated Bones}}/{{ItemIcon|Undead Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Greater Skeletal Dragon|type=monster}}
* {{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Gloves}}/{{ItemIcon|Relentless Fury Ring}} - Upgrades from {{ItemIcon|Desecrated Bones}}/{{ItemIcon|Undead Essence}} respectively, dropped by {{Icon|Greater Skeletal Dragon|type=monster}}

==Impending Darkness==
=={{ZoneIcon|Impending Darkness Event|nolink=true}}==
- ''See [[Impending Darkness Event/Guide]]''
Because {{Icon|Bane|type=monster}} uses the modifiers from the slayer area you fight him in, you should always fight him in the {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}}. Your prayer will be {{Icon|Protect from Magic|type=prayer}} or whichever style he is, plus your other style prayer, rendering the area effect moot.
When fighting {{Icon|Bane|type=monster}}, always eat through the Suffocate special attack. The stuns will cripple you. Fragile Mind can be extremely dangerous if you have high Affliction stacks, so be on the lookout for that as well.

Bane will force you to use the same attack style as he is. If you are hitting for 0, make sure you're not using the combat triangle default.
- '''This dungeon has a guide at [[Impending Darkness Event/Guide]].'''

Running from Bane will not make you leave the event, just forces you to refight that slayer area. '''Bane's style will also be rerolled, if you want to avoid melee'''.
The final dungeon of the base game of Melvor Idle also has a bunch of unique mechanics:
* Combat takes place in {{Skill|Slayer}} Areas, with their respective Slayer Area Effects active
** '''This also includes the entry requirements for each Area!'''
* Negative modifiers, each phase of the event will require the player to choose a modifier that applies to all enemies.
* Running from Combat will not make you leave the event, but will reset any progress made on '''unfinished''' Slayer Areas.
** Bane's combat style will also be re-rolled, if you want to choose a different combat style.
** All non-combat skills are able to be trained while the Event is paused, which can be helpful if the player wants to complete the Event over multiple sessions without losing time doing nothing.

For passives, avoid giving + Max HP, or any sort of regen. These will extend the fights, which makes them deadlier and more expensive in food and gear. + Max Hit is fine, as special damage is unaffected. Obviously, avoid Affliction if possible. These do stack.
And some returning mechanics:
* {{EffectIcon|Affliction}} - everybody's favorite debuff!
** Each phase of the Event gives the normal Slayer enemies more Max HP, more Max Hit, and a higher chance to apply affliction.
* Manual Eating - It is very difficult to impossible to guarantee your safety in this event without careful manual eating and knowledge of each enemy's attacks.

The final fight with {{Icon|Bane|type=monster}} is a special version, {{Icon|Bane, Instrument of Fear|type=monster}}
Similar to {{MonsterIcon|Ahrenia}}, {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} requires you to fight him with the same combat style he is using.

Each phase of the event is the same, with the added dangers of extra negative modifiers and increased base passives. The player will be given the choice of a negative modifier, then must complete a series of gauntlets through 4 difficult Slayer Areas, these gauntlets are up to 8 monsters randomly chosen from the pool of available monsters in each area. Once each area is completed, the event pauses until the player selects the next area. Immediately upon completion of the final slayer area, {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} will spawn with a random combat style. While the main article has more information, it is recommended to complete the slayer areas in the following order:
You will need to be able to switch your combat styles on the fly in {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}} and {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}. These areas '''WILL''' kill you if you are using the wrong combat style versus them. There is no pausing between monsters, so we highly recommend maxing out your Slayer Area Reduction on all 3 equipment sets.
* {{ZoneIcon|Unhallowed Wasteland}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Dark Waters}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Shrouded Badlands}}
* {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}}

{{ItemIcon|Dragon}} tablets are nigh required for Bane, as the burn status effect will chisel away his HP even when you are stunned. Pair with {{ItemIcon|Yak}} tablets.
Because {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} uses the modifiers from the Slayer Area you fight him in, you should always fight him in the {{ZoneIcon|Perilous Peaks}}. Your prayers will be {{PrayerIcon|Battleheart}} and {{PrayerIcon|Protect from Melee|notext=true}}{{PrayerIcon|Protect from Ranged|notext=true}}{{PrayerIcon|Protect from Magic|Protect from Style}}, which makes the area effect (-% Evasion) not actually have an effect on {{MonsterIcon|Bane|Bane's}} chance to hit the player.

For melee, {{ItemIcon|Ring of Blade Echoes}} increases the number of hits you do, which pairs well with {{ItemIcon|Dragon}} tablets.
The final fight with {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} is a special version, {{MonsterIcon|Bane, Instrument of Fear}} with an extra ability.

For magic, {{Icon|Incinerate|type=spell}} also provides more hits for burns. Towards the end, switch to {{ItemIcon|Ocean Song}} and {{Icon|Fire Surge|type=spell}} to finish him off with specials.
Each time {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} is defeated the following rewards are given directly to the player, in this set order. All of these are BiS for the base game, and are still useful and viable in any expansion content:
Each Bane kill drops the following loot, in this set order. All of these are BiS:

* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power}}
* {{ItemIcon|Shield of Melee Power}}
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* {{PetIcon|Bone}} - Pet
* {{PetIcon|Bone}} - Pet

===Impending Darkness Event FAQ===
Main writers: TheAlpacalypse#8105 and Verisimilitude#0001.
Q: No Monsters are spawning!
:A: Make sure you select a Slayer area! Monsters do not spawn on their own here.
Q: I closed the game while the event was in progress, and now I can't select any slayer areas!
:A: Enter and exit the Golbin Raid minigame found at the bottom of the sidebar. Don't ask why this works, no one knows.
Q: I'm not dealing any damage with any of my attacks, and attacks that can't miss are missing!
:A: As combat takes place '''in''' {{Skill|Slayer}} Areas, the player needs to have access to the area to be able to deal damage.
* {{ItemIcon|Slayer Skillcape}} or {{ItemIcon|Maximum Skillcape}}.
* {{ItemIcon|Blazing Lantern}} in the Passive Slot.
* {{ItemIcon|Climbing Boots}} in the Passive Slot.
Q: How long does this dungeon take?
:A: Approximately 1-2 hours, depending on your gear and preparation. Each phase of the dungeon (there are 5) should take up to 20 minutes of combat and 5-10 minutes for equipment swapping, ability reading, and hard breathing.
Q: How many times do I need to complete this Event?
:A: {{MonsterIcon|Bane, Instrument of Fear}} only needs to be killed once. {{MonsterIcon|Bane}} must be killed four times before {{MonsterIcon|Bane, Instrument of Fear}} will spawn.
Q: What Skills can I train while the Event is Paused?
:A: All non-combat skills including {{Skill|Magic|Alt-Magic}}. No other combat can be trained until the event is completed or the "Stop Event" button is pressed.
Q: How do I beat this event?
:A: Keep your {{Skill|Hitpoints|HP}} above 0 while lowering your enemy's {{Skill|Hitpoints|HP}} to 0. Works every time!
={{TotH}} Throne of the Herald Expansion=
Information for progression through the {{TotH}} Throne of the Herald Expansion can be found at [[Combat Guide/Throne of the Herald]].

A special thank you to the following people:
={{AoD}} Atlas of Discovery Expansion=
* Verisimilitude#0001 for assisting with the majority of the early guide groundwork
Information for progression through the {{AoD}} Atlas of Discovery Expansion can be found at [[Combat Guide/Atlas of Discovery]].
* Steelsauce#0251, Redmrj#2539, Tessa#0001 for guide feedback
* TinyCoyote#1769, Coolrox95#9670, and Visua#9999 for their work on Combat Sim and other scripting work
* Nomeru#4261 for contributing most of the Impending Darkness section
* Drboomtown#0982 for creating the original Can I Idle and Silber#6947 for updating it and answering a ton of noob questions
* Tim|Orii#4191 for creating the Gear Progression guide
* Malcs and Prat for making this game

Reach out to the author on Discord at TheAlpacalypse#8105
={{ItA}} Into the Abyss Expansion=
Information for progression through the {{ItA}} Into the Abyss Expansion can be found at [[Combat Guide/Into the Abyss]].


Latest revision as of 20:02, 18 March 2025


This guide is written for characters playing the Standard game mode. If playing

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or Adventure modes, preparation for certain events is different, especially for the

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Fire God Dungeon

due to the differences in the Combat Triangle. This guide will assume there are no self-imposed restrictions put upon the account, if you choose to restrict your character in some way, you have to figure out how to get around it.

Progression in Melvor Idle primarily revolves around combat; while there is of course progression in all of the non-combat skills, that progression all serves to make you better at combat. This guide will break the game into multiple sections and try to give advice for each. The sections this guide will look into, and roughly how long they will take are as follows:

  • The Early-Early Game:
    • This is when the player is using very low level gear, has not purchased or obtained vital upgrades like
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      Auto Eat
      or the Amulet of Looting and may require active (or more active) play to get through safely and efficiently. Can take a few days up to about a week.
  • The Early Game:
    • Where most of the game opens up and when combat gets exciting. The player has obtained reasonable gear, is able to fight the majority of monsters in Combat Areas and the first few Slayer Areas comfortably, and is starting to prepare to get more specialized gear from combat to progress. This section can take anywhere up to about a month or two, and is marked by the completion of
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      Volcanic Cave
  • The Mid Game:
    • This section revolves around finishing your armor sets, maxing out your stats, and completing long term achievements like the God Dungeons. This section can take up to several months, and is usually marked by completion of
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      Into the Mist
  • The Late Game:
    • This is when the player is working on upgrading their weapons in the
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      Dark Waters
      Area, upgrading their armor in the
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      Unhallowed Wasteland
      Area, and fully preparing to defeat the
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      Impending Darkness Event
      . This step contains long grinds, but if enough preparation has already been done, it should only take a few weeks at most.
  • The Late-Late Game:
    • Here the player finishes any achievements that haven't been mopped up yet, with the goal of filling the completion log with anything that hasn't been worth the time. This step's length is variable, as it depends on how much has already been completed, and how optimal/lucky the player is finishing up. Prepare to spend multiple days hunting for an item you'll never actually use!

The guide will start with an overview on how combat works, the stats, and what items affect them. After that, it describes in detail the leveling up to the first challenging dungeon of the game, the

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Volcanic Cave

. It will cover the God Dungeons and conclude with guidance for late game content. Remember that the majority of things mentioned here are recommendations and are not always required or the most optimal; if you don't want to do something, you probably don't have to.

Using Non-Combat to improve at Combat

There are several non-combat skills that improve various parts of the combat experience:

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    - Many of the obstacles provide important combat bonuses.
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    - Diamond Luck Potions are among the highest DPS boosts in the game.
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    - There are a multitude of useful item drops from several NPCs, including Chapeau Noir, Knight's Defender, and others.
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    - Many powerful and important passive benefits, including Hidden Skill Levels, which provide further combat bonuses.
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    - Tablets provide boosts to combat effectiveness and deal damage on their own. The
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    burn effect is particularly great against high hp enemies.
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    - Cook food to eat so you don't die!
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    - Farm food to eat so you don't die! Farming is particularly useful because it does not require you to actively spend time on it, you can farm food 'while doing combat' for example.

Other skills helpful for smooth progression include:

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    armor and weapons.
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    ammunition and weapons.
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    - Jewelry with unique effects and
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    armor and weapons.
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    Level 99
    - The Firemaking Skillcape grants a boost to XP earned and Ash, which can be buried for
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    - The Trader can be used to exchange goods for food and consumable items that make combat easier.
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    - Township also has many Tasks available that grant rewards to players for achieving certain accomplishments or having certain items, using these is a great way to find something to do if you're unsure.

Melvor Idle is not competitive, so it is recommended to set goals that you personally want and work towards them. The game will take a very long time to complete, so anything you can do to make it more fun for YOU is hugely recommended; using a weapon that you personally think is cool or useful, or not using an item because the grind isn't fun is perfectly acceptable and makes the game more interesting!


All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles:

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, or

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. Gear that is more difficult to obtain is usually better. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational.

For stat breakdowns and math, use the Combat Simulator or read the
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Shared Stats

Attack Interval

Attack Interval is determined primarily by the default Attack Interval on weapons and affects how long it takes between attacks. It is given as seconds per attack, so a lower number is better. A variety of things, such as Equipment, Pets, Spells, and

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can provide a reduction to the player's attack interval.

A complete listing of things that effect the player's attack interval is provided on the Attack Interval page.

Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction, or DR, is the most important stat in the game. Damage Reduction,

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, and

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Auto Eat

tier are all taken into account when considering how much damage the player can take before being able to die. Damage Reduction can be found on:

  • - Upgraded versions of the highest level armor pieces from skilling.
  • - All Ancient tier gear, when fully upgraded
  • - All God Dungeon gear
  • Silver Diamond Ring - Can be obtained through
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    , or
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  • Damage Reduction Potions
  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
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    Earth God Dungeon
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    Stone Skin
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For the end game, there are some

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and items that drop from

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Impending Darkness

that affect enemies' DR:

Auto Eat

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Auto Eat

is an upgrade that automatically eats equipped food after a certain health threshold. Upgrading this as quickly as possible is critical. Auto Eat Tier, along with

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and Damage Reduction controls what content is accessible without a chance of death. With

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Auto Eat

, the type of food does not matter as long as one does not run out of it. Eating either Potatoes or Whale (Perfect) will both keep the player alive as long as they have enough of either. The main difference between any given food sources is the time spent

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instead of fighting monsters.

Auto Eat Threshold

Auto Eat Threshold is the HP value necessary to trigger Auto Eat, lowering the necessary HP/DR required. In the base game, only one item affects the Auto Eat threshold:

Auto Eat Efficiency

Auto Eat Efficiency increases the amount of HP healed per piece of food eaten. This can be found on:


Lifesteal heals the player for a portion of the damage they deal, it does not deal extra damage. When active, lifesteal will occur any time the player deals damage, where the amount healed is determined by the modifier's magnitude. For example, a +10% Lifesteal modifier will heal the player for 10% of any damage dealt.

Lifesteal can be specific to damage types, such as Melee Lifesteal, Magic Lifesteal, Bleed Lifesteal, Burn Lifesteal, Poison Lifesteal, and Lifesteal if target is Cursed.

Slayer Area Effect Negation

Slayer Area Effect Negation reduces the effect of Slayer Area debuffs when fighting in one of these areas. These can range from annoying (

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Forest of Goo


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Arid Plains

) to downright progress blocking (

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Dark Waters


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Unhallowed Wasteland

). This stat can be found on:

Attack Bonus/Accuracy Rating

These are included on all weapons, and some pieces of armor.

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, and

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Bonuses, while

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have their own attack bonuses. In combat the player's Accuracy Rating determines how often they hit an enemy, based on the enemy's Evasion Rating.

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Tablets use the player's accuracy rating to calculate their chance to hit.

Defence/Evasion Rating

These are included on all pieces of armor, and are heavily connected to the Combat Triangle. The higher the number, the better. Evasion only helps to kill enemies faster if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often.

Hidden Skill Levels

The main Combat page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. In summary, levels in

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increase your stats based on different equations, but only up to the level cap (99 for the base game, and 120 with ).

Hidden Levels in any of these stats force these equations to use the player's base skill level (the one shown on the sidebar, equal to the amount of XP earned) AND the player's hidden levels, making the player more powerful than their stats would otherwise indicate. Additionally, hidden levels allow the formulas to calculate stats beyond the level cap.

  • A character that is level 15 Strength with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 20
  • A character that is level 99 with +5 Hidden Strength Levels would calculate their Melee Max Hit based on their Effective Level of 104, even when their level is capped and can't go any higher.

Reflect Damage

With this effect, whenever the player takes damage, they will also deal a portion of that damage immediately back to the enemy. Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again.

This effect can be found on:

Monster Respawn Time

After killing any monster, there will be a respawn time of 3 seconds before the next monster appears. During this time the player cannot deal damage, and therefore cannot gain XP. This means that a monster respawning can be considered a guaranteed miss (or two). Respawn time is capped at 0.25s.

This timer can be reduced with the following effects:

Class-related Stats

Melee Stats

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gear focuses on 4 stats:

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    bonus: One of the factors that determines max hit.
  • Stab/Slash/Block bonus: Determines the accuracy (chance to hit) of that particular attack style. Each melee weapon has stats that favor one of the styles, and using the correct one will boost the player's accuracy substantially.

Magic Stats

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armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

  • Magic Damage Bonus: Determines max hit.
  • Magic Attack Bonus: Determines accuracy.


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also benefits from Rune Preservation Chance and Rune Cost Reduction. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:

Ranged Stats

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armor and weapons focus on 2 stats:

  • Ranged strength bonus: Determines your max hit.
  • Ranged attack bonus: Determines your accuracy.


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gear also benefits from Ammo Preservation. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:

Minimum Hit and Special Attacks

Each normal attack made by the player or an enemy will deal a random amount of damage between its minimum value and its maximum value, for all monsters, and for players without any bonuses, the Minimum Hit is 1.

Increasing the minimum hit is possible with buffs such as:

  • all
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    Charged I
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    Pillar of Combat
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Special Attacks are typically found on weapons have a percentage chance of triggering when in combat and will replace your standard attack. If the player has multiple items that grant a special attack, and the combined total adds to greater than 100%, the game will attempt to normalize the chance of using either attack. For example, if the player is wearing both an Ancient Sword and a Ring of Blade Echoes, the player will have a 50% chance of using Life Leach, and a 50% chance of using Blade Echoes. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the Special Attacks page.

Passive Effects

Beyond just stats, many pieces of equipment have passive effects that increase stats that don't directly make the player better in combat.

Passive effects are bonuses that are always in play. These can increase damage dealt, GP GP earned or simply provide more item drops. Item doubling is incredibly powerful as it increases the amount of items received independently of damage dealt or respawn time. This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including:

GP increases can be found on:

External Tooling

Two popular external tools are the Combat Simulator and Can I Idle.

Combat Simulator is a Mod that allows you to estimate many attributes of combat, such as death rate, XP/hr, drops/hr, DPS, and so on. With Combat Simulator, it is trivial to check if your setup is going to work or not. It simulates combat at high speeds using the games own code, so it's quite accurate.

Can I Idle is a site built by zxv. You enter some of the stats found on the combat page and see which enemies you can or can't idle. It's a very useful tool throughout the game. As of v1.1 the site is no longer being updated for anything beyond the base game, however it will still be entirely accurate for players who have not purchased any expansions. It will only be inaccurate for Elite/Master

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tasks for players who have completed

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Impending Darkness Event

and have purchased the Throne of the Herald Expansion. It will also not account for whether or not you will take the extra 30% damage while Stunned or Frozen. These effects can be avoided if you attack faster than the enemy, removing the stun effect before the enemy can hit you. Ultimately this means Can I Idle will report you need higher

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Damage Reduction

values than you actually need in some circumstances.

Base Game Combat

The Early-Early Game: Levels 1-40

Early on, the game is primarily about leveling up your core combat stats, getting a feel for the combat systems, and acquiring basic combat equipment.

All three combat styles are connected. It is impossible to use only one style throughout the game if you wish to complete all content. The Combat Triangle determines how much damage and damage reduction you have against enemies of each different combat style, and is very important in choosing how to approach combat.

It is highly recommend to level all styles to not be in the position where you finished are almost ready to take on a dungeon that requires a specific combat style, and then have to level that skill from level 1 for 2 weeks.

Major Goals

The earliest for most players is the

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Auto Eat

upgrade, purchased in the shop for 1,000,000GP, followed by the Amulet of Looting, found in the

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Spider Forest

, which will make combat a fully automated activity. Beyond that, it's mainly a matter of learning how combat works and leveling up your skills.

  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Auto Eat
  • Amulet of Looting
  • Bandit, Master Wizard, Fierce Devil
    • These monsters drop useful items and are good targets for gaining experience with
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      , and
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      , as long as you are following the combat triangle, and are the end-point of this section


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is a skill that mostly revolves around fighting monsters in special areas called Slayer Areas, these areas function similarly to normal Combat Areas such as the

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; however, each

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Area also has a negative passive modifier that applies to all combat that takes place there. In the early game, there's not much that can be done about Slayer Area Effects, so they can be ignored. The other aspect of

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is Slayer Tasks: a "bounty" rewarded for killing a number of enemies:

  • Selecting the "New Task" button and choosing a difficulty is required to obtain the first task.
  • Any other time the "New Task" button is pressed, the window will open again, and the player must pay a fee of SC Slayer Coins to either re-roll a task of the same difficulty or select a new task of a different difficulty.
    • the Easy difficulty has a re-roll cost of 0SC and can be re-rolled infinitely in order to choose a specific monster, if desired.
  • The player will be given a quota of a random enemy available in that difficulty level.
    • The "Extend Task" button will charge another fee of SC SC and add a amount of monsters to the current task. Including the fee, completing an extended task will always provide more slayer coins in total than if the task was not extended.
  • Any time the player kills one of these monsters, they will be awarded SC SC.
  • Any task that is completed will automatically end and be replaced with a different task of the same difficulty, combat will continue with the current monster and the player will stop earning SC SC.
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    XP is earned by fighting Slayer Tasks or by killing enemies in Slayer areas, these amounts stack, so a greater amount of XP is earned by doing Slayer Tasks in Slayer Areas.

It is recommended to start with

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Tasks as early as possible, working towards unlocking

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Auto Slayer

as the primary goal. Be aware that this can take some time as the enemies the player is able to kill at this stage will not drop very many SC SC.

  • The least amount of effort to do this would be to simply re-roll until the monster the player is currently fighting is the current slayer task, and then extending that task to make it last as long as possible.
  • Using Slayer Tasks as often as possible can be a great way to level multiple skills at once.
  • Slayer Tasks can also encourage the player to fight targets they normally wouldn't simply for the rewards.
  • In the early-early game, stick with Easy difficulty tasks due to their free re-rolls
  • The least amount of effort that can be put into Slayer is re-rolling as many times as it takes until the monster the player is fighting becomes the task.
    • This is especially useful against Plant, Cow, and Chicken and other very low level monsters.


Quick and accessible guides for the first 8 Dungeons can be found at this link, for reference, they will also be linked here. These dungeons are placed in a different order than they are found in game, this is because they are sorted by the Maximum Hit of the bosses, the following is the easiest way to progess through the dungeons even if combat levels are lacking.:

Leveling Guidelines

As the player is just being introduced to combat, this section will try to be as simple as possible, while also setting some guidelines for the rest of the guide. The tables in each section in this entire guide will generally provide bare minimum recommendations. Some notes on how to use the information given:

  • The player must have an appropriate Auto Eat level and won't run out of food.
  • The player has enough Damage Reduction to survive against enemies when Auto Eat is not enough by itself.
  • Armor should be upgraded from the Bank screen whenever possible.
    • For
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      armor, any armor except for Gloves can be upgraded.
    • For
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      armor, this first becomes possible with Green D-hide and up.

For the first section, the player will likely not have any cape, amulet, rings,

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bonuses, or

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obstacles. With proper bonuses, the player can attempt much more difficult content and make progress a lot faster. Some notes on the first section:

  • All assumed skill levels are equal to the ones required by the set of gear.
  • When choosing a proper monster to farm, it is recommended to follow a priority rule:
  1. Drops something that useful.
  2. Is the current Slayer Task.
  3. Highest XP/hr.

Hitting the same enemy for 2 weeks because they are the "best" is a really boring way to play the game.

And finally, using Combat Simulator and Can I Idle in the External Tooling section should be your guide over anything printed here. This guide accepts no responsibility for untimely deaths.



A detailed guide on Leveling Melee can be found here



A detailed guide on Leveling Magic can be found here


A detailed guide on Leveling Magic can be found here

The Early Game: Levels 41-75

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Volcanic Cave


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Dragons Den

to a lesser extent) is the first real challenge the game presents to you, and preparing for it will likely take a couple of weeks of grinding for standard accounts.

This is where the Combat Triangle becomes extra important, and ignoring it entirely can be deadly or progress hampering.

Major Goals

The primary goal of this section is to replace all equipment and weapons obtained from non-combat skills with upgrades obtained from combat. Do note that all Ancient Armor is technically skippable, it will be replaced quite quickly with the armor from the God Dungeons, especially if these are done as early as possible. They are left in the guide as it is very common for players to get them anyways, and they can make progression a lot smoother.

  • Sunset Rapier - Drops from
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    Deep Sea Ship
  • Slayer's Crossbow - Drops from monsters in the
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    Desolate Plains
    . Ranged weapon that is exceptionally good when training
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    and great for training
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  • Error creating thumbnail: File missing
    Ancient Crossbow
    - Drops from
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    Dragons Den
    . Ranged weapon that is good for doing Dungeons.

Equipment Options


Many of the important items for this stage of the game are found from monsters in

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Areas, so it is helpful to have decently high level Slayer before going too far.

At this stage the player should be geared enough to be comfortably dealing with Normal difficulty tasks, and moving in to Hard difficulty tasks by the end of this step.

Slayer Areas sometimes require items that must be purchased using SC SC from the Shop such as the Mirror Shield and Desert Hat. The monsters locked in slayer areas will not be rolled in slayer tasks until the item has been purchased from the shop. Also, if you are using

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Auto Slayer

, monsters locked behind an item will never appear if the item is not equipped; you can leverage this to control the task rolls.



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Armor Recommended Monster
41 Rune / Elerine Spear Rune Rune Armor Bandit
50 Desert Sabre / Rune Desert Sabre / Rune Rune Armor Bandit
60 Dragon Claw / Dragon Dragon Claw / Dragon Dragon Armor Vampire
70 Ancient Sword / Warberd Ancient 2H Sword / War Axe Ancient Armor Holy Archer

Gear Goals



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Weapon Ammo Armor Recommended Monster
41 Rune Javelin / Ice Shortbow Rune Arrows Green D-hide Master Wizard
50 Rune Javelin / Ice Shortbow Rune Arrows Blue D-hide Master Wizard
60 Slayer's Crossbow / Dragon Javelin Emerald Bolts Red D-hide Master Wizard
70 Slayer's Crossbow / Dragon Javelin Emerald Bolts Black D-hide Superior Eyed Monster

Gear Goals

Volcanic Cave and Ancient Armor

The major goal of this section is to find and equip Ancient Armor

Ancient Wizard Robes come from the

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Hall of Wizards


  • This dungeon isn't really difficult enough to warrant a guide, it is recommended to use the best available Ranged equipment to benefit the most from the Combat Triangle.
  • As with most Magic equipment, these robes do not need to be upgraded to get the full benefit.

Ancient D-hide Armor comes from the

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Dragons Den


- This dungeon has a guide at Dragons Den/Guide

  • This armor needs to be upgraded, getting the raw D-hide necessary to fully upgrade this armor will likely take longer than getting each piece of armor
  • Ancient D-hide Shield has a second upgrade, the Scaled Shield, which is best in slot for Ranged for a long time.

Ancient Plate Armor comes from the

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Volcanic Cave


- This dungeon has a guide at Volcanic Cave/Guide

  • This armor, like
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    armor needs to be upgraded twice.
  • Ancient Shield has a fourth upgrade, the Dragonfire Shield, which is best in slot for Melee for a long time. Upgrading this shield requires 7050 Dragon Bones.

Due to the nature of the game, it is entirely possible to skip Ancient armor completely, and go straight to the next section. This does however require a bit more knowledge of how the game works, and is not necessarily recommended. The Dragonfire Shield and the Scaled Shield are two important items that should not be skipped.

The Mid Game: Levels 76-95

After acquiring and equipping all of the Ancient sets of armor and obtaining decent weapons, the player should now be well prepared to step up to the plate of the next challenge the game has to offer, Infernal Stronghold and the God Dungeons. But first, it is hugely recommended to assess the progress of all non-combat skills; each of these dungeons is difficult enough that NOT having access to

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Tablets, or

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bonuses can make progress significantly slower than it needs to be.

This section will first outline any particularly useful buffs and some crucial pieces of equipment to grab before moving on.

At this point, ownership of the Throne of the Herald Expansion can really benefit the player with new items and passives. See the Throne of the Herald section to see which items and upgrades change progression. All items will require skill levels higher than 100 and may take a very long time to obtain. Combat equipment such as Divine Helmet, Carrion Body, or Poison Legendary Wizard Hat CANNOT be equipped until the completion of base game combat with the defeat of Bane, Instrument of Fear.

Major Goals

External Buffs


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, while always useful, can be difficult to level up in the early game, and many players ignore it due to the upkeep required. Now is a great time to remedy that! Obtaining

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Points is the main ingredient here, this can take time and effort, but is rewarding. Prayer Points come from the following sources:

As for which Prayers to use, preferably

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and the best combat style prayer available,

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, or

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Agility grants many powerful bonuses the most important of which being increased

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. This can make achieving idle-breakpoints much easier when your effective HP is 9 levels higher than it should be.

Which bonuses you pick and whether or not you want to swap courses often are up to you as which obstacles are "best" varies based on what you're doing and what your goals are, but the following table will list any obstacles with helpful combat bonuses:

# Obstacle Reason
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Cargo Net
+3% Global GP, woohoo!
2 Any
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Pipe Climb
The only obstacle on this tier with any benefit to combat.
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Coal Stones
The only obstacle on this tier with a net-positive benefit to combat.
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Mud Dive
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Cave Climb
These obstacles are decent in the Early Game for squeezing out a little bit of extra power when your HP and Damage Reduction don't really matter.
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Cliff Climb
Use this typically any time when doing slayer, but be aware of the negative modifier and pick and choose when to run this.
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Cliff Balance
Can be used as the default combat obstacle, the
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point increase is really not as bad as it sounds.
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Rocky Waters
This obstacle is extremely powerful in the early game, and is always viable for Combat. This obstacle can single-handedly let you do Dungeons much earlier than normal.
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Lake Swim
Damage reduction is great, so is doing more damage and preserving
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points! In the later stages of the game, this obstacle is typically more useful than Rocky Waters, but will rarely, if ever, provide more survivability.
7 Pick the trap that hinders what you're doing the least, this varies based on where you are in the game and what goals you have.
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Pipe Crawl
Used for
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Raft Building
More well rounded, and can help making damage reduction breakpoints. This obstacle can safely be the default.
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Spike Jump
Used for completing Dungeons.
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Lava Jump
Primarily used for killing weak enemies as quickly as possible, particularly when the enemy dies in one or two hits. The negative modifiers make this unappealing for any other use
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Water Jump
Great if you do not need the bonuses from
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Ice Jump
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Frozen Lake Crossing
and can afford to swap to something else when you do want those bonuses.
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Ice Jump
The most well rounded for all Skills including, and can be used as the default.
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Cave Maze
Competes with a bunch of heavy hitters, there should be no reason to use this instead of the other options.
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Frozen Lake Crossing
The most well rounded for combat, not as useful for non-combat and can be used as the default.
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Lava Waterfall Dodge
Well rounded and often best for non-combat skills, this can be used as the default.
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Dragon Fight
Primarily used for killing weak enemies as quickly as possible, particularly when the enemy dies in one or two hits.
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Ocean Rafting
Always useful for combat, not as useful for non-combat and should generally only be used if you really need extra Damage or
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Slayer Coins
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Pillar of Combat
Does everything you want it to.


Preferably Diamond Luck Potion IV or Damage Reduction Potion IV. Alternatively:


For dungeons, preferably

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and the best combat style Tablet available,

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, or

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. For Slayer

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paired with the same combat style tablets are a safe bet. The best two alternatives are:

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is crucial to continuing to upgrade your equipment at this point; if it has been neglected, now is nearly the last time to catch up without falling behind. Elite and Master difficulty Tasks can be quite difficult, especially if using

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Auto Slayer

, it may be more efficient to only do tasks when possible, and fight each enemy normally when the player can't be around.

Fury of the Elemental Zodiacs (FEZ)

Final upgrade of all of the Elite Amulets. FEZ has a table that details a number of important stats on each Amulet at FEZ/Guide. If the guide has been followed thoroughly until this point, here is a quick summary of where each amulet should be obtained from the quickest:

Dungeon Guides

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Infernal Stronghold

- This dungeon has a guide at Infernal Stronghold/Guide

The primary reason to do this dungeon is the Infernal Cape which grants 4% Damage Reduction and works well for each combat style. The Infernal Cores dropped here can be used to upgrade an Ancient Claw into an Infernal Claw, a critical and powerful one-handed Melee weapon.

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Air God Dungeon

- This dungeon has a guide at Air God Dungeon/Guide.

The Air God Dungeon drops

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armor and equipment, and is usually completed with

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equipment from the

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Volcanic Cave


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Water God Dungeon

- This dungeon has a guide at Water God Dungeon/Guide.

The Water God Dungeon drops

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armor and equipment, and is usually completed with

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equipment from the

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Air God Dungeon


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Earth God Dungeon

- This dungeon has a guide at Earth God Dungeon/Guide.

The Earth God Dungeon drops

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tank oriented armor and equipment, and is usually completed with

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equipment from the

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Water God Dungeon


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Fire God Dungeon

- This dungeon has a guide at Fire God Dungeon/Guide.

The Fire God Dungeon drops

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dps oriented armor and equipment, and is usually completed with

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equipment from the

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Air God Dungeon


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Into the Mist

- This dungeon has a guide at Into the Mist/Guide.

Into the Mist is one of the most difficult challenges in the game. It cannot be idled.

To start, the player must first fight 20 Afflicted versions of randomly chosen monsters between combat level 165 and 677. Any monster, including bosses, save those from

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Unhallowed Wasteland


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Dark Waters

, can be chosen.

Affliction is a special status effect applied by monsters that reduces your max HP. This means that the encounters are a race against the clock, forcing you to kill the enemy before your affliction stacks get too high. Due to this, it is recommended that you focus on DPS above all else when choosing your three gear sets.

This dungeon cannot be completed without the Dungeon Equipment Swapping upgrade purchased from the shop.

Note that it may be beneficial to complete the Master tier

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tasks required to unlock Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master) before completing Into the Mist for the first time. This is because of

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Dark Waters

monsters being added to the pool of available enemies. It will no longer be trivial to use

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Auto Slayer

for Master tier Tasks, as the new enemies are fairly strong, and are more lethal to the average player than the Greater Dragons available in the

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Perilous Peaks

version of Master Tasks. If you do not feel comfortable learning how to do manual slayer, feel free to Auto-slay Perilous Peaks. See below for a more in depth explanation.

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Into the Mist

consists of 3 boss phases in a set order, with pauses in between each phase. Refer to Into the Mist/Guide for a comprehensive guide on completing this dungeon.

Notable Rewards:

  • Access to the
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    Dark Waters
    slayer area, where the T90 weapons can be obtained
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    - Drops after 5 completions

Combat Passive Slot

Main Article: Combat Passive Slot

Congratulations on completing

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Into the Mist

! The reward is one of the best upgrades in the game, the Passive Slot. This allows any item with a "Passive: ____" effect to be equipped in said slot.

While the original article is more than exhaustive, some of the best choices are highlighted here:

  • Chapeau Noir - More item doubling is always good
  • Ring of Wealth - More item doubling is always good
  • Master Slayer Armor - Lets you splash more Flat Slayer Area Reduction, along with a pittance of item doubling
  • Elder Crown - Slightly more dps from attack interval reduction, a big pile of free lifesteal helps preserve food stocks
  • Deadeye Amulet - Ranged only, fantastic dps

When to complete Master Slayer Tasks: Before or after ITM

Slayer Gear Upgrade Kit (Master) and therefore Master Slayer Armor are unlocked by completing 40 Master tier

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tasks. In the base game, Master Tier Slayer consists of 3 Slayer areas based on the following unlock conditions:

The contains new Master Slayer areas, but these are all locked behind completion of the

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Impending Darkness Event

Completing 40 Master tasks can take anywhere from 20-80+ hours (with a probable average of about 40hours), depending on your setup, luck with task length, or efficiency/luck in re-rolling for short tasks on the fastest to kill monster. These tasks can be completed either before or after

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Into the Mist

, and which method you do is up to you. Due to the difficulty of enemies in

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Dark Waters

, using

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Auto Slayer

to complete Master tasks is no longer feasible following the completion of

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Into the Mist

. Therefore, it is 'simpler' to complete all 40 tasks while having only

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Perilous Peaks

unlocked, as the only necessity is to meet the DR checkpoints of each monster. You will also need a fairly healthy supply of food, as these Greater Dragons all have the Greater Dragonbreath ability, which deals a large amount of unavoidable damage. The

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Dark Waters

drop valuable materials to make powerful weapons, generally consume equal or less food than greater dragons, and an average of about 40 hours each to complete with optimal setups. Therefore, even though they cannot be done on Auto-slayer, completing your Master tasks while working on your t90 weapons will most likely consume less food, and generally take less overall time on on task by killing two birds with one stone. The major downside here is that you will want to check back in every 2-3 hours to swap your equipment and manually change to the next task. This is not mandatory, but it is recommended as you will be earning Slayer XP and Slayer Coins all the while, and you will be able to purchase Prayer Points and Food at a profit.

Consider the addition of the Passive Slot - By equipping powerful passive effects in this slot, you can greatly increase your DPS, item drop rate, or greatly reduce your food consumption. This is most noticeable on Greater Dragons; with the Elder Crown equipped, food use against these enemies drops dramatically.

The Late Game: Levels 96-99

Following completion of

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Into the Mist

, you now have access to

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Dark Waters

, the penultimate slayer area and will soon be able to unlock

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Unhallowed Wasteland

These are long grinds, and may require quite a bit of preparation.

We recommend acquiring them while fighting each monster as a slayer task, this will require you to turn OFF auto-slayer, and will encourage semi-frequent check-ins. Doing these on task will increase your damage dealt to them from various buffs, namely Slayer Skillcape.

All items dropped in these two areas come as fragments of the final pieces, needing hundreds of individual items to make one final version, therefore it is recommended to attempt to sneak in as much item doubling into your gear as possible. Using the Combat Simulator to measure your Drops per hour with no deaths is highly recommended. It can make the difference in literal days of grinding.

Major Goals

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Dark Waters

- This Slayer area has a guide at Dark Waters/Guide

These 3 monsters drop fragments for the T90 (tier, or level requirement) weapons, high level and powerful weapons that are extremely helpful in completing the following Slayer Area, as well as the Impending Darkness Event. Each weapon is upgraded by combining 100 fragments, and the fragments have a 2% drop rate. That's 5,000 kills on average with 0% chance to double items.

Using the above "manual" Slayer method will make the order you obtain the weapons in effectively random, but if you want to do them in a specific order, we recommend the following:

Additionally, you should also acquire the pet

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whilst doing this grind, if you do not, continue farming whichever mob you kill the fastest on or off task until you get it.

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Unhallowed Wasteland

- This Slayer area has a guide at Unhallowed Wasteland/Guide

After completing the T90 weapon grinds, you are ready to face another difficult challenge, the

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Unhallowed Wasteland

(UW) - the final

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area in the base game To access it, you need to purchase a

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Map to the Unhallowed Wasteland


The area requires maximizing a different stat than DR. All of the monsters here will heal a % of their current HP every 2 attacks, which will massively hinder your DPS regardless of the setup. To mitigate this, you need a cumulative 100% Flat Slayer Area Effect Negation.

With 0% chance to double items, these monsters all require an average of 4000 kills to obtain all items required.

Here's an example of the gear required for melee:

Item Slot Slayer Area
Effect Negation %
Slayer Helmet (Master) Head 20%
Slayer Platebody (Master) Body 20%
Slayer Cowl (Master) Passive 20%
Max Skillcape/ Slayer Skillcape Cape 25%
Hunter's Ring Ring 10%
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Pillar of Combat
Agility 5%
Total 100%

For the other combat styles, you'll be wearing the equivalent Master Slayer armor. Note that you cannot ever wear two of the same item, so whichever item you choose to put in the passive slot must be one of the armor pieces not currently equipped in your chest/head slots.

With the Atlas of Discovery Expansion, the Perilous Peaks Point of Interest also provides an extra 20% area effect negation (which is doubled with Carthulu), allowing you to reach 100% negation with only Elite Slayer Armor and without needing

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Pillar of Combat

It should be noted that while UW is listed first,

completing the
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Impending Darkness Event

first will make this grind faster! You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, the sets don't help the event very much, and the shields speed up the slayer area signifcantly.

While you are here, you will be working to acquire all of the set bonus gear, dropped from each of the UW monsters:

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Impending Darkness Event

- This dungeon has a guide at Impending Darkness Event/Guide.

The final dungeon of the base game of Melvor Idle also has a bunch of unique mechanics:

  • Combat takes place in
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    Areas, with their respective Slayer Area Effects active
    • This also includes the entry requirements for each Area!
  • Negative modifiers, each phase of the event will require the player to choose a modifier that applies to all enemies.
  • Running from Combat will not make you leave the event, but will reset any progress made on unfinished Slayer Areas.
    • Bane's combat style will also be re-rolled, if you want to choose a different combat style.
    • All non-combat skills are able to be trained while the Event is paused, which can be helpful if the player wants to complete the Event over multiple sessions without losing time doing nothing.

And some returning mechanics:

  • Affliction - everybody's favorite debuff!
    • Each phase of the Event gives the normal Slayer enemies more Max HP, more Max Hit, and a higher chance to apply affliction.
  • Manual Eating - It is very difficult to impossible to guarantee your safety in this event without careful manual eating and knowledge of each enemy's attacks.

Similar to Ahrenia, Bane requires you to fight him with the same combat style he is using.

Each phase of the event is the same, with the added dangers of extra negative modifiers and increased base passives. The player will be given the choice of a negative modifier, then must complete a series of gauntlets through 4 difficult Slayer Areas, these gauntlets are up to 8 monsters randomly chosen from the pool of available monsters in each area. Once each area is completed, the event pauses until the player selects the next area. Immediately upon completion of the final slayer area, Bane will spawn with a random combat style. While the main article has more information, it is recommended to complete the slayer areas in the following order:

Because Bane uses the modifiers from the Slayer Area you fight him in, you should always fight him in the

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Perilous Peaks

. Your prayers will be

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Protect from Style

, which makes the area effect (-% Evasion) not actually have an effect on Bane's chance to hit the player.

The final fight with Bane is a special version, Bane, Instrument of Fear with an extra ability.

Each time Bane is defeated the following rewards are given directly to the player, in this set order. All of these are BiS for the base game, and are still useful and viable in any expansion content:

Impending Darkness Event FAQ

Q: No Monsters are spawning!

A: Make sure you select a Slayer area! Monsters do not spawn on their own here.

Q: I closed the game while the event was in progress, and now I can't select any slayer areas!

A: Enter and exit the Golbin Raid minigame found at the bottom of the sidebar. Don't ask why this works, no one knows.

Q: I'm not dealing any damage with any of my attacks, and attacks that can't miss are missing!

A: As combat takes place in
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Areas, the player needs to have access to the area to be able to deal damage.

Q: How long does this dungeon take?

A: Approximately 1-2 hours, depending on your gear and preparation. Each phase of the dungeon (there are 5) should take up to 20 minutes of combat and 5-10 minutes for equipment swapping, ability reading, and hard breathing.

Q: How many times do I need to complete this Event?

A: Bane, Instrument of Fear only needs to be killed once. Bane must be killed four times before Bane, Instrument of Fear will spawn.

Q: What Skills can I train while the Event is Paused?

A: All non-combat skills including
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. No other combat can be trained until the event is completed or the "Stop Event" button is pressed.

Q: How do I beat this event?

A: Keep your
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above 0 while lowering your enemy's
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to 0. Works every time!

Throne of the Herald Expansion

Information for progression through the Throne of the Herald Expansion can be found at Combat Guide/Throne of the Herald.

Atlas of Discovery Expansion

Information for progression through the Atlas of Discovery Expansion can be found at Combat Guide/Atlas of Discovery.

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Into the Abyss Expansion

Information for progression through the

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Into the Abyss Expansion can be found at Combat Guide/Into the Abyss.