
Revision as of 13:19, 30 January 2021 by Auron956 (talk | contribs) (Change passives to be Lua powered)
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Monster ID: melvorF:Ahrenia

Into the Mist

Monster Types: Boss, Dungeon
Slayer Tier: N/A


Combat Stats
Combat Level: 925
Hitpoints:   10,000
Attack Speed: 2.2s
Max Hit:   800
Accuracy Rating: 40,227
Damage Reduction: 40%
Evasion Ratings:      
25,806 28,842 56,166
Skill Levels:          
750 750 750 750 750


  • 70%   Shadow Burst
    • Fire off 3 large, avoidable, dark explosions that deal 800 damage each. Gives you -1% Global Accuracy that stacks up to 40 times.
  • 15%   Into the Mist
    • The enemy disappears into the Mist. Gives the enemy +10% Damage Reduction each time they are hit for the duration of this attack (Stacks up to 10 times) and gives Regen that heals 10% of the enemy's max hitpoints over 10s.
  • 15%   Fallen Light
    • The Mist breaks away and the sky opens up to an unavoidable, falling ray of Darkness, dealing 400x15 damage over 2.8s.


  • Purity
    • Immune to Player Debuffs includes Stun and Freeze.
  • Magic Proficiency
    • Immune to all Melee and Ranged Attacks

