Hunting Greater Dragon

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Hunting Greater Dragon
Hunting Greater Dragon
Monster ID: melvorF:HuntingGreaterDragon

Perilous Peaks: -60% Evasion Ratings.

Monster Types: Slayer Area
Slayer Tier: Master


Combat Stats
Combat Level: 416
Hitpoints:   6,800
Attack Speed: 2.6s
Max Hit:   650
Accuracy Rating: 37,976
Damage Reduction: 20%
Evasion Ratings:      
16,576 26,656 18,706
Skill Levels:          
1 1 215 395 180


  • 40%   Greater Dragonbreath
    • An unavoidable attack that deals 120x20 damage over 2.85s.
  • 60%   Agility
    • An avoidable attack that deals 650 damage. Gives the enemy -20% Attack Interval for 2 of the enemy's turns.


Always Drops:

Item Qty
  Dragon Bones 1


In addition to loot, the monster will also drop 69 - 420 .

Item Qty Price Chance
  Jadestone Bolts 1 - 40 1,805 - 72,200  350/351 99.72%
  Hunter's Ring 1 62,400  1/351 0.28%
Total: 100.00%

The loot dropped by the average kill is worth 37,074.86  if sold.
Including GP and bones, the average kill is worth 37,519.36 .