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Monster ID: melvorF:Ragnar

Fire God Dungeon

Monster Types: Boss, Dungeon
Slayer Tier: N/A


Combat Stats
Combat Level: 815
Hitpoints:   11,000
Attack Speed: 3.6s
Max Hit:   1,300
Accuracy Rating: 30,266
Damage Reduction: 25%
Evasion Ratings:      
38,976 26,796 53,466
Skill Levels:          
600 600 600 300 400


  • 30%   Fireball
    • Launch an avoidable fireball that deals 650 damage. On a hit, inflicts Burn that deals 15% of your current hitpoints as damage over 2.5s.
  • 25%   Burning Claws
    • Swipe at you 2 times with flaming claws that deal 400 damage each (Avoidable).
  • 20%   Scorching Ray
    • Fire a powerful, unavoidable, burning ray that deals 100x15 damage over 2.8s. Inflicts Burn that deals 15% of your current hitpoints as damage over 2.5s.
  • 15%   Meteor Shower
    • Summon an avoidable shower of 3 meteors that hit for 850 damage each over 2.2s.
  • 10%   Cataclysm
    • Create an enormous, magical flame sword that slashes at you 3 times for 1300 damage each over 1.6s (Unavoidable).


Always Drops:

Item Qty
  Fire Shard 1


Task Requirements Rewards
Very Hard 500   Terran
500   Ragnar
100   Earth Chest
100   Scroll of Terran
100   Fire Chest
100   Scroll of Ragnar